Manipulating Items along with Detecting Clashes

You can turn on clash detection while you are moving items within a view.

The buildup calculation determines the granularity of movement. Only manufactured items and assigned resources that are input or current to the operation can move. When clash occurs, the manufactured item or assigned resource highlight as the clash of two objects does not affect how the Robot moves objects. That is, objects do not stop moving because of a clash.

Clash identifies in response to a movement of the content you make with the Robot. If objects are already intersection when the clash is on or if objects reposition because changes in active operation or buildup settings, objects do not highlight.

Before you begin: You must be creating or modifying a view to use these commands.
See Also
Using Auto Create 3D Line on Object Move (ON)
  1. Right-click in the work area and select Display > App Options, then click Clash Detection ON .
    Not to view the clash select the Clash Detection OFF .
  2. In the Instruction Authoring section of the action bar, click Manipulate .
    The Manipulation panel appears.

    You can:

    • Drag along any axis
    • Drag along any plane
    • Drag around any axis

    Translate or rotate components using one of the following options:

    • The first and second horizontal rows are reserved for translations. You can move your component along the x, y or z-axis as well as in the xy, yz, and xz planes.
    • The third row is dedicated to rotations. You can rotate your component around the x, y or z-axis.
    • The fourth column lets you specify the direction of your choice by selecting a geometric element. This element defines the direction of the move or the axis of rotation.
    • There are two options and their statuses are persistent when you exit the session:
      • Free manipulation: this option allows you to freely move the selected component in the default plane only (all other iconic options are disabled when selected.) You cannot freely rotate the component.

        The default plane is define by the current view (top, bottom, left, right, back, front, iso).

        Note: The default plane is the plane of the screen for the iso view.
      • With respect to constraints: this option allows you to move or rotate the selected component by respecting its assembly constraints.
        Note: With this option, the following component orientations in the engineering connection are not accounted for: Position first component or Position second component.

  3. Create a View:
    • Click Create View for Operation .
    • Click Create View with Specified Area for Operation .

  4. Use the Robot to move items.
    If two objects are in clash, the objects in clash become highlighted.