Using Define Mfg Item Sub Component

You have the capability to define Sub-Component-Mfg-Items (SCMIs) from a monolithic Previous-Product-BuildUp-Item or Previous in the System or Current Item. This also includes the ability to create Markers or change graphic-properties of the subcomponent with existing commands.

See Also
Define Mfg Item Sub Component Dialog Box
  1. In the Instruction Tools, select Define Mfg Item Sub Component.
    The dialog box appears.

  2. Select the Leaf-Level-Manufacturing-Items.

    The Status bar displays the name of the corresponding Leaf item and it is highlighted in the PPR Tree.

  3. Select Add in the dialog box.
    The model is updated with the new Sub Component Item link. The list view also updates with the newly added Sub Component item.
  4. Select Close .
    Visualization is rebuilt to account for the newly added Sub Component Item.