Using Update Views

You can update one or more views to reflect process planning changes or position changes in the 3D Work Instruction Data (3DWIs) in Views and Dressup.

Updating views include different kinds of changes. Process planning changes for an item revision involve either rerouting or duplicating.

  • For rerouting, all dressup and view data that points to an old version of the product or resource reroutes to the new version.
  • For duplicating, all dressup and view data that points to an old version of the product or resource duplicates and points to the new version.

When you dressup slides, you often create a pointing-point, which is the specific location of an arrow point used in a marker. When an item or resource changes position, you can update the pointing-point within a dressed up view.

A marker created using Measure Item and Measure Between are not available for Update Views review.

See Also
Using Update Views at the Workplan Level
Update 3D Work Instructions Dialog Box
  1. Select one or more operations, and click Update Views.
    A dialog box lists the operations and the views or dressup items that are affected by changes to process planning.

    This supports multiselect of Mfg Items or Resources (by either Ctrl or Shift select of revision of the items/resources) for updating the corresponding impacted 3DWIs using Update Views.

  2. Select the items you want to update.
    Note: Your results depend on:
    • DMU Option:Update On Prod. Str. Mod
    • Update View Command Option:Auto-Update positions of Markers, after replace/duplicate
  3. Click Reroute or Duplicate.
    The views update.