Opening Content

You can open 2D or 3D content (only one piece at a time) from a dashboard app hosting or browsing content (3DSwym, 3DSpace, or 3DDrive), from your file system (in the case of 3D XML or PDF files only) or from search results. If content is already open in 3DPlay Web App, it is replaced with the new one.

See Also
Supported PLM Objects and 2D and 3D File Formats
  1. Open 3DPlay Web App.

    You can pin this widget to your dashboard.

  2. Do either of the following:
    • Browse for content in 3DSwym, 3DSpace, or 3DDrive.
    • Browse your file system for 3D XML or PDF files.
    • Run a search from the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform.
  3. Drag the content to open, and drop it in the 3DPlay widget.

    • In the case of 3D XML or PDF files opened from your file system, a notification message appear, informing you that the content is not saved in the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform. If you want to choose from the various upload options that are available to you, click the related link. For more information on these options, see the corresponding User's Guide.
    • If you select the content, it opens in a 3DPlay view embedded in your current app. Not all functionality may be available in this view, depending on the app it is embedded in. For more specific information on previewing content in 3DDrive, see Previewing Content Hosted on 3DDrive.
    • Content opened from 3DSwym can be displayed in full screen.