Supported Scene Assets During 3xf Import

When you import a .3xf file from DELTAGEN into the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform, not all elements of the scene are supported one-to-one.

This page discusses:

Supported Features

  • Structure elements
  • File links
  • Switches (only active paths)
  • Geometry
  • Single UV set per mesh
  • Materials including textures

Structure and Geometry

Structure and geometry are imported as a new physical product in the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform. The visibility settings are retained.

File links are integrated automatically.

Note: Avoid broken links before saving the .3xf file in DELTAGEN.

The Transform center is imported as an additional node in the tree structure if it is not 0 0 0 in DELTAGEN. You can find the X, Y, Z-values in the properties of the TransformCenter node under Position >Translation. The following child has the corresponding correction values to keep its position. You can deactivate this behavior in the Import options dialog box, see Objects.

B-sides are ignored, more specifically not imported for polygon and NURBS data.

Tip: Use Geometry > Flatten transform before saving .3xf scenes that have a scale factor applied on hierarchical elements, like mirrored groups.


All stellar material types and looks are converted to 3DS PBR materials during the import. The conversion cannot guarantee a full visual consistency.

Note: AxF materials of type Ward SVBRDF and Substance materials are not supported.

Materials are created with a unique ID in DELTAGEN, which is used to do the material assignment, or the update in the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform. For more information, see Material Import.


Only textures that exist during the upload can be loaded.

Tip: In DELTAGEN, you can use Look > Texture > Change texture paths ... and File > Save for distribution, to ensure that all textures are present during the upload.
Recommendation: In DELTAGEN, use the Model optimizer option Convert textures to ensure that only supported texture formats are contained in the scene.