Edit Effectivity Definition Dialog Box

You use the Edit Effectivity Definition dialog box to define either object or relational effectivity, depending on the context from which it is invoked.

See Also
Defining Object Effectivity
Building or Editing an Effectivity Expression
Section NameDescription
ContextLists the contexts from which related items (features, options) can be used to build the effectivity expression. Search Context allows you to search for and add items to the Context list.

Variant and Option

Model Version


Expandable sections that contain the structure from which you can build effectivity expressions for the type of effectivity. The sections that display depend on the types of effectivity defined for the context object. Only one section is expanded at a time.

If a Mode menu is defined, it shows on the section header for that effectivity type. For example, the Units section has a Mode menu to select builds or MOD stacks.

Effectivity ExpressionProvides the tools for building the expression.

The Range check box and the operator buttons might show, depending on configuration.

The expression in this section shows only those elements added for the currently-selected context.

Completed ExpressionShows the full expression for all contexts.