Limitations When Editing a Configured Bill of Materials
Some limitations exist when you edit a configured bill of materials.
The Resequence, Change Position with, and Copy To commands can be applied only to unconfigured parts in a configured BOM.
Limitations When Editing a Configured Bill of MaterialsSome limitations exist when you edit a configured bill of materials. The Resequence, Change Position with, and Copy To commands can be applied only to unconfigured parts in a configured BOM. Add ExistingThe Add Existing command creates a new markup row when a part to add is selected and submitted. The markup displays the CA under the Add column and the CA's applicability under the Proposed Applicability column. In the Proposed Applicability and Current Applicability columns, pause over the cell to display long applicability expressions. When you select a part to add and click Save:
RemoveThese rules apply to a Remove operation on released EBOM relationships with no other pending changes.
If the selected work under change CA and the CA used to add the part are the
same, you can remove the added part even though
adding the part has not been validated.
If the selected work under change CA and CA used to add the part are
different, you cannot remove the added part from the
BOM until the CA that added the part is complete.
Provided the above rules are satisfied, a remove operation strikes out the selected row and the following steps are executed when you click Save:
Using Remove in a Configured BOM in Development Mode Removing a child part from a preliminary configured part disconnects the child part altogether. A CA is not required to remove the part. Edit Usage AttributesEditing a configured BOM works as a series of cut and constraint operations. The following rules apply to edit operations on released EBOM relationships with no other pending changes, unless the Work Under change editing the relationship is the same as the pending change that added the relationship: Rules
Provided the above rules are satisfied, an edit operation shows the selected row as modified and on clicking Save, the following steps are executed:
The current applicability on the modified row will display the full range of
production for the assembly.
ReplaceThe Replace option replaces a BOM component with a new or existing part for a specific set of units and uses. The rules below apply to a replace operation on released EBOM relationships with no other pending changes, unless the context change performing the replace operation is the same as the pending change that added the relationship.
Provided the above rules are satisfied, a replace operation strikes out the selected row and on clicking Save, the following steps are executed:
The Current applicability for the replacement part displays the current
applicability from the source relationship.
After you replace the BOM component with the new part, you can select the Configuration View in the EBOM Refinements window to see how the BOM appears before and after the change. If you select Official as the configuration view, the current BOM is shown. In this view, the existing component shows the current applicability and the proposed applicability is 'Invalid' since proposed change won't include the component. Conversely, when you select Projected as the configuration view, the existing component is not listed and the replacement part is shown with the proposed applicability. The current applicability in both views is the same because the range of production for the assembly hasn't changed. Using Replace By Existing in a Configured BOM in Development Mode Replace a part in a configured BOM that is in development phase without using a CA. By default, the current applicability of the replacement part will be the same as that of the part that you replace. However, it can be updated before applying. On saving these changes, the older EBOM relationships are disconnected, and a new EBOM relationship is established. Proposed Evolution EffectivityProposed Evolution Effectivity applies only to configured parts. Effectivity can be Unit, Date, Product Revision. See Building or Editing an Effectivity Expression. You can edit this field only when the configured part is not under change management. Variant EffectivityYou can always edit the variant effectivity but if the parent part is change-enabled, you must first select a Work Under CA. This column will always be available with CMM has a mandatory co-reg of PDA and PDM which includes Variant Management Evolution EffectivityEvolution Effectivity applies only to configured parts. Applicability ConstraintChanges you make to a configured BOM may be constrained based on the ranges in values of any current applicability that is applied to the BOM. For example, assume that the current applicability is:
This means that the current applicability, as indicated in change action CA-000, specifies that instances 1 through 100 of Assembly1 have the F/N "1". Now, assume that you want to change the applicability as follows:
This means that the proposed applicability, as indicated in change action CA-001, specifies that instances 1 through 49 of Assembly1 will have the F/N "1" and instances 50 through 100 will have the F/N "2". Because the ranges of the proposed applicability (1-49 and 50-100) fall within the range of the current applicability, no constraint is applied. When a proposed applicability falls outside the range, the constraint limits the proposed applicability to that of the current applicability. For example, if the proposed applicability defined in CA-001 is ModelA[50-110], the proposed applicability would be constrained to ModelA[50-100], the same as indicated in Table 2 above. The current applicability shows ModelA[1-100] because the range of production for the assembly is still 1-100, although there are modifications within that range based on the proposed effectivities as shown in the BOM. Extended ApplicabilityIn the example above, the current applicability constrains the build to a range of 1-100. To extend the applicability, for a particular use, the same part may be added with the same usage definition with the applicability as ModelA[101-250]. This can be done using change process where CA with applicability ModelA[101-250] be defined and performing add operation. Remove ApplicabilityYou can remove the applicability for a BOM component at any time using the change action that defines the applicability for that component. When the CA is released, the component is removed from the structure. |