Selector Properties

You can manage the selector properties in the Selector settings that are located in operator nodes over the settings for the respective operator.

Note: Numbers in fields with up/down controls in the selector properties can have 4 digits, for example 14.5321. The numbers are automatically rounded. Whether a '.' or ',' is used for separating the numbers depends on the browser language. Minimum/maximum ranges are respected and values are set back to their respective limit.

This page discusses:

General Selector properties

Lets you select a selector and shows the name of the selector.

Label expression

Defines one or more labels used for filtering. The NOT means that all elements that do not have the label assigned are selected.
AND/OR lets you add another label to specify the filter in more detail:
  • AND - Both labels must be assigned to the element to select it.
  • OR - One of the labels must be assigned the element to select it.
  • The + lets you search for another label and add it.

Material Selector

Note: This is a beta selector.

Specify here the material you want to use to select elements.

Property Selector

Defines the PLM attribute you want to use to select entities. You can either use one of the default attributes or add one from the PLM extensions. You can also drag one Property value from an existing product and drag several Value values from an existing product.
  • V_Name - Filter criterion is the title of the representation/element.
    Note: The isolation prefix is transparently managed if the attribute you select is V_Name. For example, V_Name Starts with Interior and the isolate Prefix is Prep_ the search for items starts with Prep_Interior.
  • V_usage - Filter criterion is the defined usage of the element.
  • V_description - Filter criterion is the text inside the description field of the element.
Specifies how the provided comparison value must beto treated fulfill the filter condition:
  • Wildcard - The specified value can contain wildcards, representing one or multiple characters to filter for the values stored as an attribute.
  • Equals - The specified value and the value stored as an attribute must be the same.
  • Contains - The specified value has to be part of the value stored as an attribute.
  • Starts with - The specified value has to at the beginning of the value stored as an attribute.
  • Ends with - The specified value has to at the end of the value stored as an attribute.
Defines the value based on which the selector is applied. You can specify several values by entering one value and pressing ENTER, then enter the next value and press ENTER. The default behavior is that matching values of the list you specified that are applied. You can drag several Value values from an existing product.

Proximity Selector

Note: This is a beta selector.

Selection label
Defines the initial geometry by label.
Note: The label has to be assigned in advance by using the Set Label operator. See Operators.
Proximity size (mm)
Specifies the threshold of the distance from the initial geometry in mm. Objects having this distance or a smaller distance to the initial geometries are selected.
Voxel count
Defines the number of voxels used for calculating the defined distance range. The higher the number the more accurate is the selection in the end.
Decimation value
To accelerate the computation of the initial geometry, as defined by a label, it is replaced by a decimated hull. The decimation value is the used chordal deviation. Valid values are between 0 and 10 in mm.

Size Selector

Defines the threshold the bounding box's diameter of all elements is compared with.
Note: Values are in mm and range from 0 to infinity.
Specifies how the provided comparison value has to be treated to fulfill the filter condition:
  • Smaller - The bounding box diameter of the element has to be smaller than the specified value to meet the criteria.
  • Bigger - The bounding box diameter of the element has to be bigger than the specified value to meet the criteria.

Structure Selector

Base element
Defines the base element:
  • Shapes - Selects all shapes, the defined level is ignored.
  • Parts - Selects the elements based on parts and depending on the defined settings.
  • Root - Selects the elements below the root depending on the defined settings.
Specifies how many levels to go up or down from the base element.
Note: Values are integers.
Defines whether only the elements of defined level are selected or not.
  • Activated - Selects only the elements of defined levels, for example Base element = part, level = 2 means that only the grandparents are selected, but not the base element and the level 1 parents.
  • Deactivated - Selects the base element and everything between, up to the defined level, for example Base element = part, level = 2 means all parts, their parents (level 1), and their grandparent (level 2) are selected.