Editing Products

You can edit the entire product at once or only one single part of the product.

This task shows you how to:

Edit Product Properties

You can edit product properties from the Properties panel.

  1. In the viewer, either select the entire product (single click) or one of its parts (double-click).
    The Properties panel appears.
    Note: When you select a part in the viewer by clicking it twice, it always selects the lowest node in the tree.
  2. In the panel, modify the properties as required.

    For more information about all existing product properties, see Product and Part Properties.

Snap Product to Ground

You can snap the selected product or part to the ambience ground at Scene level.

  1. Select the product (single-click) or one if its part (double-click) either in the viewer or in the Models tab in the content panel.
  2. On the context toolbar, click Snap to Ground .
    The selected product/part moves to the ambience ground.
    Note: If there is no ambience in the current Experience, the product/part moves to the plane Z = 0.

By using the Snap to Ground functionality, only the Z-axis of the product's position is changed. The X-axis and Y-axis remain.

Note: For parts that are already snapped, the Snap to Ground function does not result in any action.