Exploring Relations of Alternate Products

You can graphically view the relationships between a selected alternate product and other objects.

See Also
In Other Guides
Customizing the View
  1. In the child product list, select the primary product, which is the product that the alternate product replaces.
  2. Click Information and select the Alternate tab.
  3. Click in the alternate product's identity card and select Relations.
  4. From the Customize Relations menu, select Alternate and Interchangeability.

When you view the relations of an alternate product, the alternate product appears similar to the following image.

The number indicates how many relationships connect to the alternate product. Hover over the '+', and click Alternate of to view the alternate reference item.

Note: To see a list of objects associated with the alternate product, click and select Preview Neighbors.
All alternate reference items include the label "interchangeability for {name of primary}":

If an alternate product connects to multiple objects, an alternate reference item appears for each object. To view the primary product that is associated with the alternate product, hover over the '+', and click interchangeability of.

The diagram expands to show the primary product, the alternate reference item, and the alternate product:

You can also view the relations for alternate products by starting with the primary product. Open the primary product and select Relations in the identity card menu. After the relations diagram opens, expand the diagram to view the alternate reference item, the alternate product, and other associated objects.