Adding Custom Terminal Item Values

Your Administrator might have created custom attributes for you to assign to products. You can use some of these attributes to define child products as terminal items. This lets you show any child of your choice as a terminal item, even if they have children of their own, when you switch to flattened view or export the child product list. The types of allowed attributes are described below.

This task shows you how to:

Define Attributes as Terminal Items

You can select the attributes and their values that will define the terminal items. Since your Administrator names the attributes, only the attribute types are described in the instructions below.

  1. In the main toolbar, click Preferences.
  2. In the Terminal Item list, select Not Selected (Leaf Item) or one of these attribute types (if available):

    • Custom string - shows only child products that have a string or number in the Custom String column of the child product list. To define the string or number, select "Custom String" in the Terminal list and enter one of these values in the Terminal Item Value field:
      • String - A text string such as "Ready" (without the quotes)
      • Real - A number such as 1.0
      • Integer - a number such as 1
    • Node type - shows child products that have the node type CAD and child products that have a node type that you define. Select NodeType in the Terminal Item list and select a value in the Terminal Item Value list.
    • Boolean - shows only child products that have the Boolean value that you choose, either True of False. Select CustomBoolean in the Terminal Item list and select a value in the Terminal Item Value list.
    Note: Your Administrator must create the custom string, node type, and Boolean attributes for you to use them. If your Administrator has not created these attributes, only "Not Selected (Leaf Item)" is available. This option ignores custom attributes when you show terminal items in the child product list or export them.

    To display the attributes in the child product list, select them in the attribute manager. For more information, see Customizing Product Attributes.

Assign Attributes

You can assign attributes to products in the child product list.

  1. Create or open a product that includes one or more child products.
  2. Select a child product and click Information.
  3. Select the Properties tab and click Edit.
  4. Enter or select values for the custom attributes and click Save.