Customizing Product Attributes

You can customize the child product list to display the attributes you want and create your own attributes.

This task shows you how to:

Display and Hide Attributes in the Child Product List

You can choose to display or hide attributes. Displayed attributes appear in the child product list. You can also use them to define terminal items. Attributes that you hide remain available to use. For information on how to select a terminal item, see Define Attributes as Terminal Items.

  1. In the toolbar, click Attributes Management.
  2. In the Is Visible column, column, select (to display) or clear (to hide) one or more attributes in the list.
  3. In the Group By column, select whether the attribute can be grouped in the child product list.
  4. Click Close.
    The child product list updates with your changes.

Add Thumbnails to the Child Product List

You can add thumbnail images to the child product list. Images appear in the Thumbnail column.

  1. Open a product.
  2. In the toolbar, click Attributes Management.
  3. In the Attributes Management list Is Visible column, select the Thumbnail check box.

After you close the Attributes Management dialog box, the thumbnails appear in the child product list.

Add Attributes to the Attributes Management List

You can add attributes to the Attributes Management list. If you add effectivity to a product, you must still add the effectivity attribute to view the effectivity in the child product list.

Tip: You can also select custom attributes that your administrator has created. These attributes appear in the product list. You can also use them to define terminal items. See User Preferences.

  1. In the Attributes Management dialog box, click More Attributes. The Attributes Browser lists all available attributes.

    Note: If the attribute includes a predicate, the predicate name, not the attribute name, appears in the list. If required, your Administrator can edit the attribute name so that the predicate is not used.

  2. Optional: Click Instance/Reference Filter and select one of the following:
    No Filter Display reference and instance attribute types in the Attributes Browser.
    Keep Reference Display only reference attribute types. References show in the list.
    Keep Instance Display only instance attribute types. Instances show .
  3. Optional: In the Attribute Browser, click the Filter rows icon at the top of the list and select one of the following:
    No Filter List all available attribute types.
    Keep Selected List only selected attribute types.
    Keep Not Selected List only cleared attribute types.
  4. Either enter the name of an attribute type in the search field or scroll through the list.
  5. Select one or more attribute types to add and click Next.
  6. Select one or more attribute extensions and click Next.

    Hover over an attribute extension in the list to see where it has been declared.

  7. Select one or more attributes and click Done.

To remove an attribute from the list, select the attribute and click Remove (some attributes cannot be removed).