Regulation Details Page

The Regulation Details Page, by default, shows a structured view of the regulations for a product.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Leader, Owner
  • App-specific: Contracts Manager

To access this page, open the regulation. For more information, see Opening a Regulation.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:


Column Name Description
Name The name of the regulation.
Type The type of object.
The status flags indicate whether the regulation is on schedule.

  • No flag - the object is not late.
  • Green - the object is complete.
  • Yellow - the object is not complete and not late.
  • Red - the object is not complete and late.

Indicates that an active change exists for the regulation.
Indicates that a higher revision exists for the regulation.
TitleThe title of the regulation.
ContentThe rich content in the regulation.
OwnerThe user currently responsible for the regulation.
StateThe current lifecycle state of the regulation.
SpecificationsThe specifications which are using this regulation.
DecisionsThe decisions associated with the regulation.
Other RegulationsAny other regulations associated with the regulation.
DifficultyIndicates the difficulty of the regulation.
PriorityIndicates the priority of the regulation.
ClassificationIdentifies the regulation classification.
Configuration ContextThe configuration context that is required to configure the regulation.
EffectivityThe effectivity defined for this object.

Actions/Toolbar Commands

Action Description For More Information
Insert New > Create Sub Regulation Creates a new sub regulation and links it to the regulation. Creating a Sub Regulation
Insert New > Create Derived Regulation Creates a new derived regulation and links it to the regulation. Creating a Derived Regulation
Insert Existing > Sub Regulation Adds an existing sub regulation and links it to the regulation.
Insert Existing > Derived Regulation Adds an existing derived regulation and links it to the regulation.
Configuration Management > Add Contexts Adds context to the regulation.
Configuration Management > Remove Contexts Removes context from the regulation.
Subscribe Subscribes to selected events related to the regulation.Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide Subscriptions
Detach from Structure Removes the regulation from the specification structure, but does not delete it from the database.
Mass Promote Mass promotes all selected regulations to the next lifecycle state.
Mass Demote Mass demotes all selected regulations to the previous lifecycle state.
Enable Edit Enables inline editing of certain attributes associated with the regulation.3DEXPERIENCE Platform Structured Content in Edit Mode


You can use menu to choose which view of the regulation list you want to see.

Filter Options Description
Status View Shows the status view for the regulation.
Derived Regulations Only Shows only derived regulations.
Sub Regulations Only Shows only sub regulations.
Sub and Derived RegulationsShows the sub and derived regulations.
Create New Table View Customize a new table.