Name |
The name of the TPM. |
Current Value Effective Date |
The date the current value was recorded. |
Current Uncertainty Value |
The current uncertainty in the current value of the
requirement. |
Current Value |
The current value of the performance measurement. |
Required Uncertainty Value |
The tolerance of the performance measurement that is
necessary. |
Required Value |
The specified value to be achieved as a requirement. |
Title |
The title for the TPM. |
Project |
The project connected to the TPM. |
Responsible Organization |
The company, business unit, or department responsible for the
TPM. |
Affected Items |
The items that are affected by the performance
measurement. |
Unit of Measure |
The applicable unit of measure for the TPM. |
Margin |
The current difference in the current value and what is
measurable. |