Editing DID/SDS Properties

You can modify the properties of the DID/SDS.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Leader, Owner
  • App-specific: Data Manager, Contracts Manager, DID/SDS owner

Before you begin: Access the Properties page for the DID/SDS. For more information, see DID/SDS Properties.
See Also
Data Requirements Lists Properties
Editing DRL Properties
  1. From the page Actions menu or toolbar, click Edit Details .
  2. Edit any of these details:
    Field NameDescription
    DID/SDS NumberEnter the DID/SDS Number. This number should be unique with respect to the DRL.
    RevisionEnter a value for the revisions of the DID/SDS.
    TitleEnter the title for the DID/SDS.
    Description/PurposeEnter a detailed description for the DID/SDS.
    Approval DateClick to select the approval date.
    Office of Primary ResponsibilityClick to select the organization, department, or business unit responsible for creating the DID/SDS.
    ProgramSelect Yes or No.
    GIDEP ApplicableSelect Yes if the DID is GIDEP applicable or No if the DID is not GIDEP applicable.
    Application InterrelationshipEdit the logical interrelationship.
    Approval LimitationEnter any approval limitations.
    Applicable FormsEnter any forms applicable to the DID/SDS.
    AMSC NumberEnter the AMSC (Acquisition Method Suffix Code) Number.
    Preparation InstructionsEnter any preparation instructions.
    Distribution Statement in useFrom the list, select the distribution statement.
  3. Click Done.