DID/SDS Number | Enter the DID/SDS Number. This number should be unique with respect to the DRL. |
Revision | Enter a value for the revisions of the DID/SDS. |
Title | Enter the title for the DID/SDS. |
Description/Purpose | Enter a detailed description for the DID/SDS. |
Approval Date | Click to select the approval date. |
Office of Primary Responsibility | Click to select the organization, department, or business unit responsible for creating the DID/SDS. |
Program | Select Yes or No. |
GIDEP Applicable | Select Yes if the DID is GIDEP applicable or No if the DID is not GIDEP applicable. |
Application Interrelationship | Edit the logical interrelationship. |
Approval Limitation | Enter any approval limitations. |
Applicable Forms | Enter any forms applicable to the DID/SDS. |
AMSC Number | Enter the AMSC (Acquisition Method Suffix Code) Number. |
Preparation Instructions | Enter any preparation instructions. |
Distribution Statement in use | From the list, select the distribution statement. |