Using the WBSE Loader

A function is available to add WBSEs through a tab delimited or xls-formatted spreadsheet. The first-level WBSE (Common or Contract) can be created using the Create WBSE action. The WBSE Loader action is intended to create WBSE structures from the Common or Contract WBSE (or CLIN).

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Leader
  • App-specific: Contracts Manager, Data Manager, Program Controls Specialist, Subcontractor

Before you begin: If using the WBSE Loader for a CLIN or WBSE, a WBS Specification must exist.
See Also
Creating a CLIN
Creating WBSE
  1. To use the WBSE Loader, do one of the following:
    • Open the product line, product, or configuration item to use the WBSE Loader.
    • In the navigation pane of the selected object, click Common WBSE.


    • Open the CLIN to use the WBSE Loader.
    • In the navigation pane, click Related Objects.
    • Click the WBSE tab.


    • Open the WBSE to use the WBSE Loader.
    • In the navigation pane, click Related Objects.
    • Click the Contract WBSE tab.
  2. Select the check box next to the WBSE that will contain the structure loaded by the WBSE Loader.
  3. From the page Actions menu or toolbar, click WBSE Loader.
  4. To download the WBSE Loader template, click .
    The WBSE Loader template is available in the web application directory.
  5. Enter these details:
    Field NameDescription
    WBSE FileClick Browse to select the file.
    TypeThe type is copied over from the previous page.
    NumberThe number is copied over from the previous page.
    WBS SpecificationThis field is visible if using the WBSE Loader from a CLIN. If using the WBSE Loader from a product line, product, CI, or a Contract WBSE, it is not visible.
    StatusThe current lifecycle state of the WBSE.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Click Submit.

The WBSE structures are listed below the Common or Contract WBSE.