BOM Editor Dialog Box

The BOM Editor dialog box lists the BOM components for the design and selected variants. You can use this dialog box to update the design information stored in 3DEXPERIENCE with the information stored locally in Altium Designer, or to refresh the BOM in Connector for Altium Designer with information from 3DEXPERIENCE.

To access this dialog box, right-click an item in a project tree 3DEXPERIENCE > Bill of Materials to 3DEXPERIENCE.

This page discusses:

Design Structure Panel

The tree in the top left panel shows the design hierarchy along with any variants. You can choose a design scope or a variant scope. Based on your selection, the Connector for Altium Designer extracts the BOM and loads it into the Design BOM Panel.

Design BOM Panel

This table lists the extracted BOM. You can click a linked item in the Structure column to view that object in X-CAD Design Management in a browser window. If not already logged in, the login dialog box opens. For more information, see X-CAD Design Management User's Guide: CAD Portal View.

The root node in the structure is the assembly that lists all other components. The table columns provide details about each component in the assembly. For information about the context menu for the items in this panel, see BOM Scope Context Menu.

You can click on any column heading to filter the table using these options:

Column Filter OptionDescription
List of ValuesOpens a list of the values for that column. Select the values you want to display in the table, then click OK. The Connector for Altium Designer updates the table to show only those components that have the selected values.
Simple text patternOpens a text box. Enter text that you want to match. The Connector for Altium Designer updates the table to show only those components that have the entered text.
Reset filterRemove all filter settings for that column.

This table explains what the different text formatting means:

Formatting StyleDescription
Bold blackMandatory entry (the assembly node)
RedComponent needs to be assigned to a part in 3DEXPERIENCE
Regular blackComponent is assigned to a part in 3DEXPERIENCE

Bareboard Document Panel

This section shows the bareboard document as a Specification Document for the PCB component. The Connector for Altium Designer checks if a document already exists in 3DEXPERIENCE, and if so, displays the name, type, and revision of that document. If the bareboard document does not exist in 3DEXPERIENCE, the Connector for Altium Designer displays a message and clears the fields in this section of the dialog box.

You can click to open the document in 3DEXPERIENCE in a browser window. If not already logged in, the login dialog box opens.

Bareboard Panel

This panel shows the part as a PCB in the BOM. The Connector for Altium Designer checks if a PCB already exists in 3DEXPERIENCE, and if so, displays the name, type, and revision of that PCB. If the PCB does not exist in 3DEXPERIENCE, the Connector for Altium Designer displays a message and clears the fields in this section of the dialog box.

You can use the project setup to add a PCB to the design. For more information, see Setting Up a Project.

Click to highlight the bareboard in the BOM.

Assembly CAD Model Panel

This section shows the assembly CAD model as a Specification Document for the assembly component. The Connector for Altium Designer checks if a document already exists in 3DEXPERIENCE, and if so, displays the name, type, and revision of that document. If the assembly document does not exist in 3DEXPERIENCE, the Connector for Altium Designer displays a message and clears the fields in this section of the dialog box.

You can click to open the document in 3DEXPERIENCE in a browser window. If not already logged in, the login dialog box opens.

Global Statistics Panel

This panel shows the number of components with each status from the design and selected variants. See the following section for descriptions of the statuses.

Statistics Panel

This panel provides an overview of the component status. It displays the number of components with each specified status. Click any status to open a dialog box that lists the components that have that status.

ExistingThese components are assigned to a part in 3DEXPERIENCE.
MissingThese components are not available in 3DEXPERIENCE.

To assign parts to these components, follow these steps:

  1. Click Missing. The Connector for Altium Designer opens the list of parts.
  2. Right-click a part and select Assign 3DEXPERIENCE Part.

IgnoredThese components are not used in the BOM creation based on the regular expression specified in the Enable Ignore Components preference.

For more information, see 3DEXPERIENCE BOM Management Preferences.

Process Action Panel

This panel at the bottom of the BOM Editor dialog box lets you perform these actions:

RefreshUpdates the status of the parts with information retrieved from 3DEXPERIENCE.
StoreStores the BOM structure in the design project.
CreateCreates the BOM in 3DEXPERIENCE and stores the BOM structure in the design project.