Running the WAR Utility

This topic describes how to run the 3DSpace WAR Utility.

If you selected "J2EE (build EAR and WAR archives)" as the deployment option when installing the 3DSpace Service, the WAR Utility ( or war_setup.bat) is installed under the SERVER_INSTALL\PLATFORM\code\command\ directory. The previous ematrixwarutil\ directory will eventually be removed. For release V6R2012, it remained as an intermediate version that redirected to the new location.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin:

You must have access privileges to install software on the target machine. On UNIX/Linux, you must log in as root. On Windows, you must belong to the Administrators group or have the privileges assigned to the Administrators group. Otherwise, you will not be able to start the installation.

If you are adding an application or re-running the WAR Utility for any reason, delete the contents of the SERVER_INSTALL\distrib\ directory before starting.

See Also
Persistent Data
Deploying the J2EE Archive File on TomEE+