Turning Pop-up Grid Labels On or Off

You can display a pop-up grid label whenever the pointer hovers over a gridline or during member creation whenever the pointer hovers over a grid segment. You can subsequently turn off the pop-up grid label feature.

Before you begin:
  • Create a Building Grid.
  • Create grid labels.
See Also
Creating a Building Structural Grid
Adding Grid Labels
  1. To turn on the pop-up grid label:
    1. Click a gridline.
    2. From the context toolbar, click Grid Label Popup On .
    Whenever you hover over a gridline, the system displays the grid label.

    During cast or catalog column creation, whenever you hover over a vertical grid segment, the system displays the grid labels for the intersecting gridlines. These intersecting gridlines are the horizontal and vertical gridlines at the base of the vertical segment. To separate the two labels, the system uses the default Separator character (for example, a hyphen).

    Tip: You can change the default Separator in Me > Preferences in the Buildings tab.

  2. To turn off the pop-up grid label feature:
    1. Click a gridline.
    2. From the context toolbar, click Grid Label Popup Off .