Formula Properties: References

This topic describes the information that you can view or edit in the References tab of a formula's Properties pane.

See Also
Formula Properties: Weights
Formula Properties: Genealogy
Formula Properties: Experiments

Option Description

Formula Name

A descriptive name for the formula.

Formula #

The automatically generated formula number. Read-only.


The state of the formula: Draft or Reviewed. Read-only.

Created By

The name of the user who created the formula. Read-only.

Modified By

The name of the user who last modified the formula. Read-only.

Alternate Identifier

The ID of the formula in BIOVIA Enginuity, if applicable. If the formula is not shared with Enginuity, this field is not shown.

You can use alternate identifiers to retrieve formulas in 3DSearch. For more information, see Predefined Queries.

Intermediate Formula

If selected, the formula is an intermediate formula in BIOVIA Enginuity.

If you want a formula that you create in Formulation Design to be treated as an intermediate formula when it is imported into Enginuity, select this option.

For formulas that are not shared with Enginuity, this option has no effect.


A textual description of the purpose of the formula. This could be a description of the product to appear on packaging for consumers.