Formula Properties: Genealogy

In the Genealogy tab of a formula's Properties pane, you can view the history of the formula in terms of earlier formulas from which it was cloned.

See Also
Formula Properties: Weights
Formula Properties: References
Formula Properties: Experiments
Viewing a Formula's Genealogy

A formula that has been cloned from another formula or formulas has a Genealogy. This is its cloning history.

The Genealogy tab of a formula's Properties pane lists all the formulas in the formula's history, as well as the open formula itself. Formulas are listed in reverse order of creation. The ID and name of each formula are shown.

A formula might be cloned for various reasons:

  • A formulator can clone a formula within a project so that similar formulas are available to compare for characteristics such as performance and cost.
  • A formulator might be working on a new product, and want to use the formula for an existing product as a starting point, modifying it according to changing market needs, new compliance rules, and so on.

In these and other cases, it is useful for a formulator to be able to trace and view all previous iterations of a formula. The formulator can investigate how the previous iterations of the formula performed, and what tests were conducted on them, as a basis for work on the new formula.

For example, suppose that the open formula is Formula C, and that it was cloned from Formula B. Formula B, in turn, was cloned from Formula A. The Genealogy tab lists the formulas as follows:

FORM-00000193 Formula C

FORM-00000188 Formula B

FORM-00000036 Formula A

You can view summary details of a formula by clicking its tile in the list. The following details are shown:

Option Description

Created By

The user who created the formula.

Modified By

The last user to modify the formula.

Created As

The way in which the formulas was created: New or Clone.

Experiment ID

The IDs of experiments in Scientific Notebook that include the formula.

Note: You can only view summary details of one formula at a time.

In the Genealogy tab, you can:

  • Open the selected formula by clicking .
  • Refresh the genealogy by clicking .

For more information, see "Viewing a Formula's Genealogy."