Ingredient Properties: Profile

This topic describes the information that you can view or edit in the Profile tab of an ingredient's Properties pane.

This page discusses:

See Also
Ingredient Properties: Weights
Ingredient Properties: QS
Ingredient Properties: Similar Materials


This section shows identifying information about the ingredient's material.

Note: You cannot edit the information in this section.

Field Name Description

Material Name

The name of the ingredient's material.

Material ID

The unique identifying number of the ingredient's raw material in the materials database.

Release Phase

The status of a material specified by the material administrator.


The status of the ingredient's material, specified by the material administrator.


The function or functions of the ingredient in the formula. To add a function to the ingredient, open the list, and select the function. A tile for the function is added to the Functionality field. To remove a function, click the "x" on its tile.

The functions that are available for an ingredient are defined in its material. If no functions are defined, the Functionality list is not available.

The following functions have icons that are shown in the formula grid:

Option Icon Description

Drug Active

Whether the ingredient is a drug active ingredient when used in an OTC pharmaceutical.


Whether the ingredient is a colorant.


Whether the ingredient as a flavor or a fragrance.


Whether the ingredient is a preservative.

Processing Aid

Whether the ingredient is a processing aid that does not need to appear on the label.

Residual Moisture

The residual moisture for the ingredient after processing, as a percentage. When you specify this value, Formulation Design substitutes the ingredient with the residual moisture raw ingredient from the material database.

Note: You must set the Processing Loss value to 100% in the Weights tab of the ingredient properties.

Processing Note

A processing note.


Handling or manufacturing instructions.