Phase Properties

This topic describes the information that you can view or edit in a phase's Properties pane.

This page discusses:

See Also
About Phases
Creating a Standard Phase
Creating a Premix Phase and Linking to It
Viewing and Editing Phase Properties
Working with Per-Piece Quantities in Premixes
Field Name Description

Phase Name

A descriptive name for the phase. The default name is New Phase.


Phase names must be unique.

Don't include in formula totals

If selected, the phase is a premix phase. Its ingredients can be included in the formula totals by means of a Link to Premix row in the formula grid. The phase itself is excluded from the formula's totals. For more information, see "About Phases" and "Creating a Premix Phase."

Phase Size

These options are enabled for premix phases. If Don't include in formula totals is not selected, these options are unavailable.

Field Name Description
Fixed Phase Size Select this option to keep the phase weight constant, and type the phase's total weight in the box. The percentages of ingredients in the phase are relative to this weight.
Note: The total percentage of the phase can add up to a figure other than 100% if the phase does not include a QS ingredient. To bring the phase's percentage to 100% without adding a QS ingredient, edit the ingredients' levels manually.
Phase Size Floats

Select this option if you want the phase weight to change when you change the levels of ingredients in the phase. Formulation Design recalculates the percentages of the ingredients in the phase so that they add up to 100%.

When Phase Size Changes

These options are enabled for premix phases. If Don't include in formula totals is not selected, these options are unavailable.

Note: If you want to change both the rescaling behavior and the Fixed Phase Size, select the When Phase Size Changes option first, and then edit the phase size. If you change the phase size first, nothing happens when you select a different When Phase Size Changes option. This is because all property changes are saved immediately and sequentially (see "Viewing and Editing Phase Properties"). The When Phase Size Changes options apply only to future phase size changes, and not to changes already made.
Field Name Description

Rescale Ingredient Weights

Select this option if you want the ingredient weights to rescale when you change the phase size. Formulation Design recalculates the ingredients' weights so that their percentages remain unchanged in the new phase size. This is the default rescale behavior.

Rescale Ingredient Percentages

Select this option if you want the ingredient percentages to rescale when you change the phase size. Formulation Design recalculates the ingredients' percentages so that their weights remain unchanged in the new phase size.

Handling Per Piece Changes to Ingredients in Phase

These options are enabled for premix phases. If Don't include in formula totals is not selected, these options are unavailable.

Field Name Description

Phase composition changes to accommodate Per Batch and Per Piece changes. Links to Phase remain unaffected

When this option is selected, changing an ingredient's level in the premix phase alters the ratio of the ingredients in the premix. The per-piece levels of links to the premix stay the same. For more information, see "Working with Per-Piece Quantities in Premixes." This is the default behavior.

Phase composition is LOCKED for Per Batch and Per Piece changes. Links to Phase are altered

When this option is selected, changing an ingredient's per-piece level in the premix phase also changes the levels of other ingredients in the premix, so that the ratio of ingredients in the premix stays the same. The levels of links to the premix update to reflect the new absolute amounts of ingredients in the premix. For more information, see "Working with Per-Piece Quantities in Premixes."