Exporting Results

You can export the results of an experiment to a report.

Before you begin: Configure the outcome markers, model features, and stimuli for an experiment, then run the simulation. For more information, see Configuring Experiments and Running Simulations.
See Also
Experiments Panel
  1. On the Experiments panel, select the Results tab.

    For more information, see Viewing Results.

  2. Click above the heat map.
    The Export as PNG dialog box opens, containing a preview of the report
  3. Click Export as PNG.
    This downloads the report in your browser.
  4. Optional: Locate the report file, review the results, and share it with other stakeholders.

The report includes its creation date and the name of the pathway model, specified on the Pathway Information panel, for more information see Reviewing and Editing Pathway Information. The heatmap in the report contains results for the perturbations' effects on the outcome markers. It does not include results for the other entities.