About Charts

A chart is a 2D graphical area that can display multiple series of variables.

This page discusses:

See Also
About Plots
About Plot Properties
Plotting Simulation Results

Chart Elements

Element Description
Chart Title Displays the name of the chart.
Tip: You can click the chart title and the axes titles to edit them.
Series Represents a Modelica variable using a curve or a discrete distribution.
Legends Identifies the series and displays the names of the variable, assessment template, and the component. It also displays the unit of the variable, if any.
Tip: You can clear the check box of a legend to hide its series or click the legend to edit it.
Chart Options Displays the options to print and customize the chart area.

Print Opens the system's print dialog box
Hide/Show legend Activates or deactivates the display of legends in the chart area
Hide/Show title Activates or deactivates the display of title in the chart area
Split Right Creates an empty area on the right by splitting the chart area
Split Bottom Creates an empty area on the bottom by splitting the chart area

Chart Types

Line Chart Bar Chart
In this type of chart, the simulated variables are displayed as series with continuous curves.

In this type of chart, only the discrete values of the variables are displayed. You can display multiple series of data for comparison. The heights of the bars represent the values of the series and they are animated in sync with the simulation.

Chart Axes

The axes of the chart are displayed differently depending on the units of the variables that are being plotted.

Units Variables Axes
Same One or more Displays one variable axis with units on the left side

Different Two Displays one principal axis on the left side for the solid curve and one secondary axis on the right for the dashed curve

More than two Displays one axis with no units


You can zoom into any part of the chart by drawing a rectangular selection. A Reset Zoom option appears in the chart area. You can click this option to restore the original zoom of the chart.

Before Zoom After Zoom