About Modules

This topic provides information about modules.

This page discusses:

See Also
Creating Modules
Creating Symbolic Inputs
Creating Symbolic Outputs
Creating a Proxy Feature

Concept design is about abstraction for decision making. It comes way earlier than the detailed design and it starts with system definition, which is not part of 3D geometry definition. To meet the needs of concept design, there is a container called module.

Module Structure Manager

The Module Structure Manager command lets you manage all the modules. You can create, rename, or delete modules. You can also add, edit, or remove symbolic interfaces.

There are two views for the module structure, Structural View and Links View.

Input and Output Interfaces

Input interface or symbolic reference, and output interface or symbolic publication are components that allow external links between the modules.

The input interface is made of two parameters: symbolic name and symbolic path name.

The output interface is also made of two parameters: symbolic name and a list of targets or references.

A delegation of an interface is used to expand the scope of the given interface. In the tree, the delegation of the input interface runs from top to bottom and the delegation of the output interface runs from bottom to top. You can use delegations when you want to link symbolic interfaces contained in the modules that are not siblings.

Name Matching

When a symbolic interface is created, a symbolic link is automatically verified for the input interface and the output interface that depends on the symbolic path name of the input interface. If this link is found, it is created automatically.


Proxy feature provides a default geometry if the symbolic input interface does not match with the output interface. You can create a proxy feature to manage the link between the symbolic input interface and the feature that requires existing geometries as an input.