Creating Constraints

You can create constraint areas. The data from these areas is helpful for the collaboration between mechanical and electronics designers.

See Also
Creating Holes in Boards with Layer Stacks
Creating Holes
Creating Cutouts
  1. From the Create Layout Feature section of the action bar, click Create a constraint .
  2. Select one of the following types of constraints and click OK:

    • Other Outline: Additional area type defined by an outline, cutouts, and a thickness.
    • Placement Outline: An area on the board or panel within which component placement is allowed.
    • Placement Keepout: An area on the board or panel where component height is limited.
    • Placement Region: An area on the board or panel within which placement is limited to certain types of component.
    • Routing Outline: An area on the board or panel where routing electrical connections is allowed.
    • Routing Keepout: An area on the board or panel where routing electrical connections is not allowed.
    • Via Keepout: An area on the board or panel within which placement of vias is not allowed.

    The following options are available and vary depending on the constraint type:

    Top board side/routing layers
    Bottom board side/routing layers
    Both board side/routing layers
    All board side/routing layers
    Inner board side/routing layers

    Tip: Constraint areas are transparent. The color depends on the selected type. You can change the color in Me > Preferences > Equipment > Circuit Board Design > Graphic tab.

  3. Enter a value for Height, Offset, and Thickness when applicable.
  4. Click Edit the Constraint Profile to open the Sketcher.
  5. Sketch the constraint on the board and click Exit to return to Circuit Board Design.
  6. Select a board side.
  7. Enter a value of the Outline height and Offset.
    The constraint appears in the tree and is shareable with ECAD users.