Content Page for a Route

This page lists the content the route. The Bookmark Root owner can list content for any route in the Bookmark Root, if they are a member of the route. If you use Lifecycle Management, those tasks can be added as Route content.

The route creator can define the content of a route at any point up until the route is Finished. Route members with Add access to the route can add content from the Bookmark Root, and members with Remove access can remove content as required until the route is Finished. Members who have access can add content from a local directory.

Content added to a route can be deleted by the route owner, route members, and users with the Administrator access role. The app removes the content from the route, then deletes it.

Required access roles: If you have access to the route, you have access to this page. The access assigned to you for the route determines what actions you can take.

To access this page:

  1. Open the required route. See Opening a Route.
  2. Click the Content page tab.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
Documents and Content
Page Toolbar Icons


Column Name Description
Locked status Shows the number of locked items out of the number of files checked in. For example, 1/2 means that 1 of the 2 documents that make up the attachment has been checked out and locked. To see who locked the file, click the numbers in this column and hold your cursor over the lock icon in the pop-up message. When a file is locked for edit, no one else can lock the file for editing or check in a new version of the file until the person who is editing it unlocks the file manually or checks in a new version. Even if a file is locked, you can still view it and save it to your computer.
Click the paper clip to see a list of files related to this file. See Files Associated with an Object.
The route icon shows if this attachment is part of a route.
Name The name of the item. To view more information about an item, click its Name. The icon to the left of the name indicates the type of item: To see the type name, move your mouse pointer over the icon.
  • for standard documents
  • for 3D JT files
Title The title entered for the attachment when it was created or uploaded.
Rev Revision level of the attachment. The revision series may be numbers or letters, or there may not be a revision.
Ver The version number for the attachment. A version of 1 represents the first time the file was added. Version number 2 means a person checked out the original file for revising and then checked in a new version. Version number 3 means a person checked in a second version and so on.
Type The type of attachment, such as Document, and so on.
Actions The actions you can perform on the listed content. If a particular icon is not displayed, then the item's status does not allow the action.

Icon Name Action


View and select subscriptions for a document.


Download the file to your local machine without locking it on the server. Navigate to the folder or directory you want to contain the file. Multiple files are downloaded in a single zip file.


View the file in a registered viewer.

Check Out and Lock

Check out the file to your local machine and lock it from other users. Navigate to the folder or directory you want to contain the file.

Check In

Check in and unlock the file. See Uploading Files.

Upload Files

Add a new file. See Uploading Files.


Lock the file without checking it out.


Unlock the file without checking in a new version.

Description Details of what the attachment is or what the attached file contains.
Maturity State The state within the lifecycle for the item.
State Block The state at which an item is blocked. When a block promotion state is set for an item, the system will not let the item be promoted from the state until the route is complete. Used with nondocument objects.

If you use Add Content to add an object to the route, the blocking state for the object is its current state. That is, it cannot be promoted from its current state until the route is completed.

If you use Create New > Upload to add an object to the route, the blocking state is set to None because this is a new object.

New window Click to view the Properties page for the content in a separate window.

Actions/Toolbar Commands

Action Description For More Information
Add Content Adds items to the content list. You must have read access to the content to add it to a route. Predefined Queries
Create New > Upload Creates a new document. Creating Documents
Update Documents Copies a new version of a checked-out file from your local machine and increments its version. You can only update files that you previously checked out.
  1. Click Update Files .

    The Update Files dialog box lists those files you had previously checked out. You can update any or all of the listed files.

  2. Click Browse and navigate to the updated file.
  3. Type any Comments.
  4. Click Done.
Remove Removes checked items, click OK to confirm. --