Properties for a Country

The Properties page for a country lists details about the country.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Administrator
  • App-specific: Organization Manager

To access this page:

  1. View the Countries page tab in the Geography Configuration PowerView. See Countries Page.
  2. Click the name of a country.

See Also
In Other Guides
Page Toolbar Icons

Field Name Description
Type The type of object: Country.
Name The common name of the country.
Description The official name of the country. For example, for the country "United States," the description is "United States of America."
Continent The name of the continent where the country is located or a 2-letter code representing the continent:

Code Continent
AF Africa
AN Antarctica
AS Asia
EU Europe
NA North America
OC Oceania
SA South America

Country Code (2 Letter) The 2-letter ISO code for the Country.
Country Code (3 Letter) The 3-letter ISO code for the Country.
Country Number The 3-digit ISO code for the Country.