Under Global Preferences, select Compute Areas to compute the number of connected areas for each side, or clear it to compute the number of faces.
Select a display mode under Global Preferences.
Face Display: Displays the result of the analysis on each face of the selected shape.
Facet Display: Displays a detailed analysis for each facet of the selected shape.
Explode: Lets you drag the handle of each direction to analyze the different sides.
For a given pulling direction:
For other faces, edit Alien ratio
Sometimes, it is not clear to which area a face belongs. In the example below, some facets of the face are seen as belonging to the Cavity, while other are seen as belonging to Other. Editing Alien ratio (percentage of facets to ignore) solves the issue.
vertical faces, edit Draft Angle to define a draft angle tolerance.
For undercut faces, edit Undercut Tolerance.
Expand Automatic Dispatch and select an option:
Quick Dispatch: Dispatches all the faces between the Core and the Cavity of the current pulling direction.
Ignore Mixed NoDraft.
Optimize Dispatch: If non-connex areas exist in the Core and the Cavity, the faces they contain are assigned to Undefined.
Reduce transitions: If undefined faces exist in the middle of colored faces, they are assigned to the same area as the colored faces.
Clear Dispatch.
Compute Undercut.
Clear Dispatch does not reset computed undercut faces.