Filtering Configured Structures Using Configuration Criteria

You can define and apply a filter to refine the structure of a root object by selected configuration criteria. You can filter by evolution effectivity, variant/option effectivity, change action, or a combination of these. You can include one only configuration criterion in a content filter.

Important: When you filter a configured structure, you can only filter out objects that have a defined effectivity. Any object that does not have a defined effectivity is always included in the filtered structure.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: Explore a configured product structure in the Product Finder work area.

Create the Configuration Filter

You can create a configuration filter that uses evolution, variant/option, and change action criteria.

  1. To apply volatile configuration criteria as a filter on the configured product structure, from the Navigation section of the action bar click Filter .
  2. In the Filter on dialog box, to define the volatile configurations as a filter, do one of the following:
    • Select the Criteria node, and then click New .
    • Right-click the Criteria node, and then select New Configuration criteria.
    The New - Configuration Criteria - Expression dialog box opens.
  3. Edit the configuration filter's Title.
  4. From the Model list, select the model for which you want to apply the configuration filter. This must be one of the models attached to the root object as a configuration context.

    Note: If only one model is attached to the root as a configuration context, the name of that model is displayed instead of a Model list.

You have created the configuration criteria filter.

Select the Evolution Criteria for the Configuration Filter

You can select the evolution criteria for the configuration filter. You can use model versions, manufacturing plans, units (if enabled), and dates (if enabled) as part of the filter criteria. You can successfully combine the following types of evolution criteria with other types of criteria in a configuration filter:

  • You can combine model criteria with change action criteria. You cannot combine any other type of criteria when Change View is selected from the View list.
  • If the unit is allocated to the product configuration, you cannot use any other type of criteria in the configuration filter.

  1. To specify how you want the filtered structure displayed based on whether changes to it have been approved through a change action, select one of the following:
    Official View Displays the updated structure after the changes are approved through a change action. The model criteria is taken into consideration.

    Select if you are combining change action criteria with model criteria in the configuration filter.

    Projected View Displays the most recent view of the structure before changes are approved through a change action. The model criteria is taken into consideration.

    Select if you are combining change action criteria with model criteria in the configuration filter.

    Change View Displays the updated structure after the changes are approved through a change action. Any model criteria is not taken into consideration.

    Select if you are specifying only change action criteria in the configuration filter. For more information, see Filtering Configured Structures Using Change Action Criteria.

  2. To specify one or more model versions as evolution effectivity criteria for the configuration filter, do the following:
    1. If it is not already selected, select the Model version check box.
    2. If the model version has more than one revision, to select one or more of the model version evolutions to filter by, in the Model version field, click .
      The Search Model Versions dialog box opens. By default, the infinite selection mode is disabled.
    3. Use the Infinite Select Mode switch to configure the model version selection mode:

      Position Description
      Define the configuration filter using only the selected model version evolutions. You may select more than one.
      Define the configuration filter using all the model version evolutions from the model version selected to infinity. You select only the earliest applicable model version evolution and all others to infinity are automatically selected for you. The icon appears in front a model version if all its subsequent model versions are also selected to infinity.
      Tip: You can switch from single selection mode to range selection mode when you are selecting model version evolutions so that your selection can contain model version evolutions selected using single and range selection modes.

    4. Select the model version or range of model versions to use in the configuration filter.
    5. Click OK.
  3. Optional: To specify the manufacturing plan effectivity criteria for the configuration filter, do the following:
    1. If it is not already selected, select the Manufacturing Plan check box.
    2. To select a manufacturing plan to add to the configuration criteria, in the Manufacturing Plan field, click .
    3. From the 3DSearch results, select the manufacturing plan.
    4. Click OK.
  4. Optional: To specify the unit effectivity criteria for the configuration filter, do the following:

    1. If it is not already selected, select the Unit check box.
    2. To select one or more units to add to the configuration criteria, in the Unit field, click .
    3. From the list, select the units.
    4. Click OK.
    Note: Unit effectivity criteria is available for use in a configuration filter only if your Administrator has enabled it. It is not available by default. For more information, see Installation and Setup | Administrate3DEXPERIENCE Platform |3DSpaceCollaborative Spaces Control Center |Configuring Content for the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform |Configuring Effectivity.
    Important: You cannot combine allocated unit criteria with any other configuration criteria. To filter a configured structure by allocated units and the model version, manufacturing plan, or product configuration to which they are allocated, see Filtering a Structure Using Unit Criteria.
  5. Optional: To specify the date effectivity criteria for the configuration filter, do the following:
    1. If it is not already selected, select the Date check box.
    2. Use the calendar widget to select a date or range of dates.
    3. Click OK.
    Note: Date effectivity criteria is available for use in a configuration filter only if your Administrator has enabled it. It is not available by default. For more information, see Installation and Setup | Administrate3DEXPERIENCE Platform |3DSpaceCollaborative Spaces Control Center |Configuring Content for the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform |Configuring Effectivity.

You have defined the evolution criteria for the configuration filter.

If you want to add variant/option effectivity criteria to the configuration filter, depending on how many model versions you selected in step 2, do one of the following:

If you want to add change action criteria to your configuration filter, complete the Filtering Configured Structures Using Change Action Criteria task.

If you are finished with criteria selection for the configuration filter, complete the Apply the Configuration Filter to the Configured Structure task.

Select Variant/Option Criteria from Multiple Model Versions

If you selected multiple model version evolutions, you can select a product configuration defined for one of those model versions to use as the variant/option criteria for the configuration filter.

  1. Click Edit Variants and Options from Product Configuration.
    The 3DSearch results window opens. It lists the product configurations that are available under the selected model versions.
  2. Select a product configuration.
  3. Click OK.
    The variant value and option selections from the product configuration are displayed in the Variants and Options section of the Filter specification panel.

You have defined the variant/option criteria for the configuration filter. If you are finished with criteria selection for the configuration filter, complete the Apply the Configuration Filter to the Configured Structure task.

Select Variant/Option Criteria from a Single Model Version

If you selected a single model version evolution, you can use the configurator to define configuration criteria using the variants and options associated with that model version.

  1. Click Edit Variants and Options from Configurator.

    Note: This option is not available in the following circumstances:
    • You selected multiple model versions.
    • You did not select the Model Version check box.
    • You have the Collaborative Industry Innovator license role but not the Configuration Engineer license role.

    The Edit Variants and Options pane opens.
  2. To select variants and options in the Edit Variants and Options pane, do the following.
    1. Click a variant or option group box, and then select a variant value or option from the list.
    2. Use the following filters and indicators to define the configuration:

      Icon Description
      All Criteria Shows the total number of variants and option groups for which you can make a selection to complete the product configuration.
      User Selected Shows the number of user selected criteria.
      Unselected Criteria Shows the number of variants and option groups for which there is no selection.
      150% Includes all values and options in the filter. This icon and the Consider all options for Variants and Options not selected check box control the same behavior.
      Rule Deduced Criteria
      No Rule Applied Filters the list to only those variants and option groups for which you can make a selection, with no rules applied and no default values selected.
      Compatible Filters the list to only those variants and option groups for which you can only make a compatible selection, as defined by the rules. Incompatible options are grayed out and cannot be selected. No default values are selected.
      Enforced/Infilled Filters the list to only those variants and option groups for which you must make a compatible or mandatory selection, as defined by variability rules and variant mandatory settings. Icons indicate which selections are affected by a rule or a variant's settings:

      Icon Description
      When this appears next to variants and on options, it indicates that default values are selected or prepopulated. Click the icon to see why it is the default value. You can make another selection other than the default one.
      When this appears next to variants and on options, it indicates that it is a required selection. Click the icon to see why this is the required selection. You cannot make another selection other than the required one.
      When this appears next to an option, it indicates that it is incompatible with another selection or is not allowed based on a rule. Click the icon to see what is causing the incompatibility. Incompatible options are grayed out and cannot be selected.

      Mandatory Criteria Filters the list to only those mandatory variants for which you must make a selection to complete the product configuration, but have not done so. The icon also appears next to the mandatory variant's title in the list to help you identify them. If there is none, this category does not appear in the page key.
      Conflicting Criteria Filters the list to only those variants and option groups where there is a rule conflict that you must resolve to complete the product configuration. The icon also appears next to the conflicting variant's title in the list to help you identify them. If there is none, this category does not appear in the page key.

    3. Click OK.
  3. Optional: To clear the variant and option details, in the Variant/Options section of the Configuration Filter dialog box, click Clear Variants and Options.
  4. To include configuration options that match the filter criteria partially, select the Consider all options for Variants and Options not selected check box.

    Note: If you selected 150% in the Edit Variants and Options dialog box, this check box is selected automatically. If you did not select 150%, this check box is cleared automatically.

You have defined the variant/option criteria for the configuration filter. If you are finished with criteria selection for the configuration filter, complete the Apply the Configuration Filter to the Configured Structure task.

Apply the Configuration Filter to the Configured Structure

After you define all the configuration criteria, you can validate and apply the configuration filter to the configured structure.

  1. In Filters panel, click Apply.
  2. Optional: Create or save the filter.

The volatile configuration filter is applied to the selected root object's structure.