- Shading
- Shades the surfaces of the geometry.
- Displays edges (including hidden and smooth ones), or the materials that have
been applied.
Basic Viewing Commands.
- Wireframe
- Displays only object's edges.
- Transparency is not taken into account.
Basic Viewing Commands.
- Shading with Material
- Displays the material applied onto your object.
- The same effect can be achieved by selecting Material in
the View Mode Customization dialog box.
- Shading with Edges and Hidden Edges
- Shades with all edges, hidden or not.
- The same
effect can be achieved by selecting
Hidden edges and points in the
View Mode Customization dialog box.
- Shading with Edges without Smooth Edges
- Shades with edges, except the smooth ones.
- The same effect can be achieved by
No smooth edges in the
View Mode Customization dialog box.
- Shading with Edges
- Shades with edges, whether smooth or not.
- The
same effect can be achieved by selecting
All edges in the
View Mode Customization dialog box.
- Apply Customized View
- Applies customized view parameters.
- Lets you directly apply defined and
stored customized parameters without accessing the
View Mode Customization dialog box.
- Customize View
- Customizes view parameters.
- Lets you define the visualization parameters for lines, points and mesh.
Basic Viewing Commands.