Editing Producibility Parameters from the Producibility Table

You can manage the producibility information for all the plies and cut-pieces of the stacking from the Producibility Table.

Note: This task is available in Composites Design and Composites Manufacturing Preparation.

This task shows you how to:

Edit a Single Producibility

You can edit the parameters of one producibility. Single selection provides the larger choice of parameters to edit.

  1. From the Producibility, Flattening and Splicing section of the action bar, click Edit Producibility Table .
    The Producibility Table dialog box opens. It is populated with all the present producibility information:
    • ID
    • Plies Group
    • Sequence
    • Ply
    • Cut-piece
    • Producibility
    • Status of the producibility
    • Method
    • Propagation type
    • Seed point type
    • Thickness Offset
    • Result
    • Max Shear
    • Max Deviation
    • Estimated Cut-Pieces.

    When relevant, another column indicates a producibility needs to be upgraded.

  2. Check the deformation value of the material applied to a ply.
    1. Select the line of the ply in the table.
    2. Check the status in the Max. Shear and Max. Dev columns.

      • No circle indicates that the deformation is below the warning value.
      • A yellow circle indicates that the deformation is between the warning and the limit values.
      • A red circle indicates that the deformation is above the limit value.

    3. Check the warning and limit values of the material applied to the considered ply under Material Properties.

      These values are part of the Materials properties in Composites Parameters.

  3. Select one row and click Create.
    A new producibility parameters set is created at the end of any existing sets for the selected ply.
  4. Select one row and click Edit.
    1. Edit the current producibility.
    2. Click Preview.
      The results for the simulation are added.
  5. Select one or several rows and click Delete.
    The selected producibility parameters sets are deleted.
  6. Select one row and click Copy, Cut, or Paste to perform the corresponding actions.
  7. Select one or several rows and click Run.
    1. Select the Show results check box to display the simulation results in the graphic area. You have to select the plies one by one to see them.
    2. Select the Show multiple results check box to display the computed fiber propagation of all selected producibilities in one shot.
    The corresponding simulation is run and the result status is displayed.
    Note: In a few cases, the position of seed points may lead to an invalid rosette transfer and incorrect fiber directions. A warning is displayed when this problem is detected.

Edit a Multi-Selection of Producibilities

You can edit several producibilities in one shot. However, the choice of parameters to edit is restricted.

  1. Start Edit Producibility Table as explained above.
  2. Click Multi-Selection .
    1. Select stacking entities as explained in Using the Stacking Management in Selection Mode.
    2. Alternatively, select stacking entities in the work area.
    3. Click OK in the multiselection box to revert to the Edit Producibility Table.
    • Plies and cut-pieces are put in the selection stack.
    • Related producibilities are selected and highlighted in the Edit Producibility Table
      Note: If several producibilities are found under a given ply or cut-piece, only the current producibility is selected.
    • Edit becomes available.
      Note: The selected elements must have a producibility with the same manufacturing propagation type.
  3. Edit the producibility parameters in the dialog box that opens.

    The list of editable parameters depends on the manufacturing propagation type:

    • For Braiding:
      • Propagation type
      • Parameters related to the thickness update.
    • For Hand-Layup:
      • Propagation type
      • Seed point selection (selection/indication/geometrical center)
      • Mesh parameters (scaled or explicit)
      • Parameters related to the thickness update.

      When selected, Optimize gives access to the Parameters. See Optimize the Producibility for Hand Layup for more information. You cannot select a seed point, unless only the angle variation is optimized.

    • For Fiber Placement:
      • Propagation type
      • Seed point selection (selection/indication/geometrical center)
      • Fiber initialization curve
      • Warp/weft parameters
      • Mesh parameters (scaled or explicit)
      • Parameters related to the thickness update.
    Note: Regarding lists, if the selected elements share the same value for a given parameter, this value is displayed in the list. Otherwise, the list is left blank.

    1. Either leave the list blank.
      Each selected element keeps its original value.
    2. Or select a value from the list.
      This value is applied to all the selected elements.

Transfer 3D Geometry to 2D

You can flatten geometries from several plies in one shot.

  1. Start Edit Producibility Table as explained above.
  2. Select several producibilities and click Edit to start the Edit Multiple Producibilities dialog box.
  3. Select geometries to transfer (curves or points).

    • Only available if the plies and associated producibilities share the same reference surface.
    • Curves must lie on the reference surface of the ply, and at least partially on the ply shell.
    • Undo/Redo is not supported.

    • The number of Plies/Cutpieces producibilities is displayed.
    • Selected curves or points are listed under Transfer Geometries with their Category and added to all possible plies or cut-pieces.
  4. Select geometries to transfer, sharing the same category or not.
  5. Select a new category from the list.
    The new category is applied to all selected geometry to transfer.
    Note: If you add geometries to transfer with no defined category, the last category you have selected is proposed by default. You can edit it.
  6. If need be, select Remove to remove geometries from the list.

    Tip: To globally remove existing transfers from existing producibilities.
    • Identify the transfers to remove from producibilities.
    • Multiselect these producibilities, and start the Edit Multiple Producibilities dialog box.
    • Select the geometries to remove in the 3D area. They are added to the list and highlighted.
    • Click Remove.

  7. Validate.
    At flattening, the transferred geometries are created as Geometry Transfer.