Controlled Print

The Controlled Print page lists the prints issued for a part and the status of each controlled print.

Note: You must have the role of a Document Center Administrator and also the access to read and check-out a product data.

To access this page:

  1. From the parts page, click Name of a part.
  2. From the category pane, click Controlled Prints.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:


Print NumberDisplays the print number.
StatusDisplays any one of the following statuses:
  • Failed: Failed to generate controlled print.
  • Recalled: Control print is recalled.
  • Recall Initiated: Recall for control print is initiated.
  • Issued: Controlled print is generated.
Print DateDisplays the print date.
Print RecipientDisplays the name of the recipient.
Print ReasonDisplays the reason why print is required.
Issued ByDisplays the name of the person who has issued the controlled print.
Print File NameDisplays the name of the file.

Actions/ Toolbar Commands

RecallRecalls the generated controlled print. For more information, see Recalling a Controlled Print.
Acknowledge Recall Recipient of the controlled print gets a notification message to acknowledge the recall. On the recipient's acknowledgment, status of the controlled print changes to Recalled. For more information, see Acknowledging Recall of a Controlled Print.
Set FailedChanges the status of unsuccessful controlled print to Failed.