
This page lists all the available templates. You can create, delete, import, or export a template.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Owner
  • App-Specific: Template Administrator

To access this page:

  • From the home page, select Specifications Administration > Templates.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:


NameThe name of template. This is usually an auto-generated alphanumeric value, unless the Template Administrator assigns another name.
TitleThe title of template.
RevisionThe revision number of template.
Type Used For The object type. For example: Raw Material, or Finished Product.
NameThe applicable policy name.
DescriptionThe description of template.
Design ResponsibilityThe name of the organization that is responsible for the template.
StateThe state of the template.

The state can be one of the following: Preliminary, Review, Approved, Release, or Obsolete.

OriginatorThe name of the person who created the template.


In the page toolbar, click one of the following options in the list to filter the templates.

  • Owned- displays the templates owned by the logged in user. The Released and Obsolete state templates are not displayed.
  • All- displays all the available templates.


Action/ Toolbar CommandsDescription
Create Template Creates a template. For more information, see Creating a Template.
Delete Template Deletes the selected template.
Export TemplateExports the selected template. For more information, see Exporting a Template.
Import TemplateImports a template. For more information, see Importing a Template.

For more information, see Page Toolbar Icons.