Matrix System Defaults Program

The MatrixSystemDefaults program is designed to allow administrators to centrally control MX_ settings in a manner that cannot be overridden by local environment/ini-file settings.

This page discusses:

See Also
The Initialization File in Windows
The Initialization File in Linux
Setting Personal Preferences

This program is read as soon as a database connection is obtained, and used to initialize the MX_ variables it contains. If this program exists, any variables not set in it or not allowed to be overridden use their default values. If no MatrixSystemDefaults program exists, the system functions as described above. The diagram below describes the logic used for setting variables.

Similar to the MatrixIniDefaults program, the format of the code section of the program object named MatrixSystemDefaults must be identical to an ini file with one NAME=VALUE per line. Comments can be indicated with '#'. However, the MatrixSystemDefaults program can include any number of local sections so that servers or groups of users can be pointed at specific configurations for each of them, by including the name of the local section they need in their environment. The system defaults program can also include a list of variables that are allowed to be overridden locally, using a variable called MX_SYSTEM_OVERRIDE_ALLOWED. The sections that follow describe these novelties of the MatrixSystemDefaults program.