Highlighting Connections

You can highlight connections by clicking them. This is useful for investigating, for example, large models where many connections are used.

Before you begin: From Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Systems Modeling and Execution > Dymola Behavior Modeling , in the Editor tab, activate Highlight connection's paths when clicked.

This preference is activated by default.

See Also
About Connectors and Connections
In the diagram, click the connection you want to investigate.
The connection is highlighted. Some specific cases:
Tip: The order of the connections is according to manipulation. This means that the creation order is taken into account since creation is also seen as manipulation; the last created connection is seen as the top connection. However, if you manipulate a connection later on by, for example, dragging any of the connected components, that connection is then seen as the top connection.
  • Clicking on an overlapping section of multiple connections with a common port, all the connections are highlighted.
  • Clicking on an overlapping section of two connections with no common port, only the top connection is highlighted.
  • Clicking on an overlapping section of more than two connections, all the connections with a port common to the top connection are highlighted.
    Note: In the case of three connections with two connections having a different port in common with the third, only one extremity of the connection is considered. As an example, consider the following image, with the following connections:
    • Object 1 to Object 2
    • Object 1 to Object 4
    • Object 2 to Object 3

    Clicking the common part of the connection (marked by an oval in the figure), the highlight depends on the order of the connections. If the connection Object 1 to Object 4 is under the other connections, that connection is not highlighted:

    However, if the connection Object 2 - Object 3 is under the other connections, that connection is not highlighted:

Tip: You can also right-click the connection line and use the Find Connection command to search the connected components. See Finding Connections.