In the diagram, click the connection you want to investigate.
The connection is highlighted. Some specific cases:
- Clicking on an overlapping section of multiple connections with
a common port, all the connections are highlighted.
- Clicking on an overlapping section of two connections with no
common port, only the top connection is highlighted.
- Clicking on an overlapping section of more than two
connections, all the connections with a port common to the top connection are
In the case of three connections with two connections
having a different port in common with the third, only one extremity of the
connection is considered. As an example, consider the following image, with the
following connections:
- Object 1 to Object 2
- Object 1 to Object 4
- Object 2 to Object 3
Clicking the common part of the connection (marked by
an oval in the figure), the highlight depends on the order of the connections.
If the connection Object 1 to Object 4 is under the other connections, that
connection is not highlighted:
However, if the connection Object 2 - Object 3 is under
the other connections, that connection is not highlighted: