About Automatically Generated PDFs for Quality System Documents

Quality-based Document Control automatically generates a PDF each time a native-format file, such as a Microsoft Word document, is checked into a quality system document. This occurs until the quality system document reaches the In Approval state. PDFs are also generated for all attached native-format files each time the quality system document is promoted or demoted. The PDF's watermark, and header if there is one, specifies the current lifecycle state of the quality system document. Its footer indicates that the PDF is an uncontrolled copy of the quality system document file.

When users select the Download action for a PDF file on the quality system document's Properties page, the automatically generated PDF file is downloaded to their local computers and can be printed. When users select the Download action on the My Documents page tab, if there is more than one file attached to the quality system document, each native-format file and its PDF is added to a single ZIP file, which is downloaded to the user's local computer.

Note: The Business Administrator must enable and configure PDF rendering for automatic PDF generation to be available.
Important: This app stores personal data in some settings. To follow good personal data management practices, Business Administrators might need to edit these settings to remove personal data, such as names, email addresses, and phone numbers.

This page discusses:

See Also
My Documents
Quality System Document Properties
Rerunning the Failed PDF Conversion Process