The type of quality system document.
The category of the document, such as
policy, procedure, instructions, and so on.
The name of the quality system document.
The name is often an automatically generated name.
The revision level of the quality system
A descriptive title of the quality system
The policy that governs the lifecycle of
the quality system document. The default policy is Controlled Documents.
The current lifecycle state of the quality
system document. The available states vary depending on the document type.
Change Information
Any change order and change action that controls the release of this
document. Click to open the item. Pause over the name to view
the description for the item.
The person responsible for the quality
system document.
The organization responsible for
implementing and maintaining this quality system document. Click to view the
Properties page for the organization.
A more complete description of the expected
usage of this quality system document.
Controlled Document
The template, if any, used to create the
quality system document. Click the name to view the template's properties.
Training Enabled
Indicates whether training is enabled on the quality system document. If
the document was created from a template, this value cannot be
changed. If the document was not created from a template, the
value can be changed by the document owner or the Document
Control Administrator while the document is in the Draft, In Work, or In Approval states. |
Periodic Review
Yes or No to indicate whether this quality
system document is subject to periodic review.
Periodic Review Interval (In
If periodic review is enabled, the interval
(in months) between reviews.
Last Review Date
If periodic review is enabled, the date of
the most recent review of this document. For pre-released documents, this field
is blank.
Next Review Date
If periodic review is enabled, the next due
date for reviewing this quality system document. For pre-released documents,
this field is blank.
Subject Matter
The name of the Subject Matter Expert, the
person responsible for performing the periodic review associated with this
document. Click to view the person's properties.
The person assigned to complete the next
periodic review.
Effectivity Option
Specifies when you can implement the
quality system document based on its effective date:
Effective By
You can implement the quality
system document before, on, or after the effective date.
Effective on
You can implement the quality
system document after it reaches the Approved state on a specified effective
Effective Date
This value is empty until the quality system document reaches the
Approved state. The effective date is then calculated based on
the implementation period (either default or specified) selected
as the Implementation Type. |
Implementation Type
Specifies how the implementation date for
the quality system document is determined:
Default Implementation
The default implementation period for quality system documents is
defined by your Business Administrator. This is the number of days that are added
to the quality system document's implementation
date to determine its effective date.
Specify Implementation
The specified date on which the
quality system document will be completely implemented.
On this date, the quality system document i
completely implemented and is effective.
Specify Implementation
The specified implementation
period (in days) for the quality system document.
This is the number of days that are added to the
quality system document's implementation date to determine its effective date.
The quality system document's effective date is either the
date on which the quality system document is promoted to the Approved state
plus the number of days (default or specified) defined for the implementation
period; or, if a planned implementation date is specified, then the quality
system document's effective date is that date regardless of when the quality
system document is promoted to Approved.
Period (in days)
The planned implementation period for the
quality system document, in days.
If the default implementation period is selected as the
Implementation Type, this is the
number of days that will be added to the quality system document's planned
implementation date to determine the planned effective date.
If an implementation date is specified, this value is
calculated after the quality system document reaches the Approved state.
Effective Date
The actual date on which the quality system document was completely
implemented, promoted to the Released state, and therefore, became effective. |
Period (in days)
The actual number of days that the quality system document remained in
the Approved state before it was completely implemented, then
promoted to the Released state, and therefore became effective. |
Attribute name
Each attribute group associated with the
document has its own named section. The attribute groups are listed
alphabetically. All attributes in the attribute group are listed
alphabetically, with their values, if defined, for this document.