Opening a Product Identification

You can access the information related to a product identification.

Required Access Roles:

  • App-specific: Product Manager
  • Baseline: Leader

  1. View the list of product identifications. For more information, see Product Identifications.
  2. In the page, click the Name of a product identification.

    You can use the categories in the navigation pane to access the information related to ASPI.

    Category Name Page Tab Description For More Information
    (ASPI name) Properties Shows the properties of the ASPI. Properties of a Product Identification
    Lifecycle Shows the lifecycle of the ASPI.

    3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Lifecycles

    Revisions Shows the revisions of the ASPI. -
    History Lists the actions taken on this ASPI. Includes dates and user information. 3DEXPERIENCE Basics: Viewing History for Content
    Authorizations Lists the market authorization changes that are added to the context ASPI. Authorizations Page
    Regulatory Decision Lists the details related to the decisions provided from the authority when the market authorization is approved.
    Note: The user assigned with the Leader and Regulatory Lead roles can add
    Regulatory Decisions
    Content Products Lists the products in which the context ASPI is connected. Products
    Devices The device identification (DI) that is connected with the country or region in which the ASPI is created. Device Identification List
    Clinical Investigations Lists the details related to the clinical investigations. Clinical Investigations
    AR Comments Lists the details related to the language-specific content of the authorized representative that is added with the context ASPI. This tab is present if the authorized representative is selected for the context ASPI. AR Comments
    Tasks - Lists the tasks created for the context ASPI. Tasks
    Sharing - Lists who can access the ASPI, and what privileges they have. Sharing Page