Interpolating Tags

Interpolate tag orientation makes the robot motion smoother. The command relies on two tags in a sequence having the correct orientation. By selecting those two tags, those in between will have their orientation interpolated.

See Also
Aligning Tags
Transforming Tags
  1. Click Manipulate Tags
  2. Select a tag, tag group, or robot task.

    The context toolbar appears.

  3. Click Interpolate Tag Orientation in the context toolbar.
    The Interpolate dialog box appears.
  4. To restrict the interpolation to a specific axis, select it from Axis To Lock.

  5. Select the Begin Tag.
  6. Select the End Tag.

    The orientation of the tags between the selected Begin tag and End tag are interpolated:

  7. Click Exit .

    You can select Reset Local or Last Changes to revert any changes that have been made since Manipulate Tags was started.

All tags between the first and last selected are interpolated.