Transforming Tags

Transforming a tag alters the position and/or orientation of one or more tags. You can transform tags, an entire tag group, or multiple tag groups. All targets in a task, irrespective of type, can also be repositioned.

What is transformed depends upon what you select prior to selecting Transform. If you select a tag group, the entire tag group will be transformed; if you select a single tag, only that tag will be transformed. The axis can be set as either the current axis or the absolute axis. The orientation Robot can be placed at the world origin, current origin, or tag/tag group origin.

See Also
Aligning Tags
Interpolating Tags
  1. From the Setup section of the action bar, click Manipulate Tags
    You are prompted to select a tag, tag group, or robot task.
  2. Select a task, or one or more tags.

    Upon making a selection, the orientation Robot is snapped according to the default Snap 3D Robot Handle option and the context toolbar is displayed.

    The Transform dialog box also appears.

    You can show or hide the Transform dialog box by clicking Show Command Preferences in the context toolbar.

    You can also select Display Sub Tree in the context toolbar to display the selected targets highlighted in a tree view.

    If subsequent selections are made, the orientation Robot snaps to the last selected target.

  3. Use the orientation Robot (rotate/translate about any axis) to orient the tags to the desired position. All of the selected 3D locations react to the change.
  4. In the Transform dialog box, select Joint Delta Values.

    The Delta Joint Values dialog box appears.

  5. Specify joint values for the commands of the robot, and click to apply.
  6. In the Transform dialog box, select Check Reachability.

    The Reach dialog box appears. The Reachability Results tab indicates the status of the all tasks and trajectories analyzed for reachability. The Reachability Analysis tab provides the status of each selected target.

  7. In the Reachability Analysis tab, you can select Jog to display the Jog panel, and select Reach Disc to display the reach disc at selected targets.

    The Reach context toolbar appears.

    The Reach context toolbarcontext toolbar provides commands for:

    • Compute recomputes the reachability status after adjusting one or more targets.
    • Reach Options provides options for enabling partial reach and clash mode, and allows you to customize the colors that are display for reach and clash status.
    • Update Target saves the position of a modified target.

  8. Once the targets are oriented correctly, click Exit .

    You can click Reset Local or Last Changes to revert any changes that have been made.

The tags have the desired orientation.