User Interface: Action Bar

The action bar is the main command bar at the bottom of your window where commands are divided into sections.

Commands that are specific to Fabricated Step Definition are located in flyouts in the primary area of the Authoring section and are described below. For information about other commands in the action bar, see Manufactured Item Definition User's Guide.

This page discusses:

Flyout for Manufacturing Templates

Create a new Manufacturing Template Representation
Creates a new manufacturing template representation.
A manufacturing template representation may contain several manufacturing templates that can be applied later on geometry to generate machining steps.
See Creating a Manufacturing Template.

Existing Manufacturing Template Representation
Opens an existing manufacturing template representation.
Open the manufacturing template representation, previously saved in the server, in order to apply manufacturing templates on geometry to generate machining steps.
See Creating a Manufacturing Template.

Create a New Manufacturing Template
Creates a new manufacturing template.
Define a manufacturing template under a manufacturing template representation. It contains the machining steps sequence that generates the required In Process Model.

For example, a Spot Drill machining step plus a Hole machining step.

See Creating a Manufacturing Template.

Apply a Manufacturing Template
Applies a manufacturing template.
Apply a manufacturing template on the geometry to generate the machining steps associated to the geometry, with the required parameters, taking into account the checks and formulas.
See Applying a Manufacturing Template.

Flyout for Machining Steps

See Creating a Manufacturing Template to see how manufacturing templates include machining steps.

Machining Step Hole
Inserts a new Hole machining step.
Create the geometrical feature for a Drilling operation.
See Manually Creating Machining Steps.

Machining Step Int Threaded
Inserts a new Int Threaded machining step.
Create the geometrical feature for a Thread Milling operation.
See Manually Creating Machining Steps.

Machining Step Circular Mill
Inserts a new Circular Mill machining step.
Create the geometrical feature for a Circular Milling operation.
See Manually Creating Machining Steps.

Machining Step Counterbore
Inserts a new Counterbore machining step.
Create the geometrical feature for a Counterboring operation.
See Manually Creating Machining Steps.

Machining Step Spot Drill
Inserts a new Spot Drill machining step.
Create the geometrical feature for a Spot Drilling operation.
See Manually Creating Machining Steps.

Machining Step TSlot
Inserts a new T-Slot machining step.
Create the geometrical feature for a T-slotting operation.
See Manually Creating Machining Steps.

Machining Step BackBore
Inserts a new Back-bore machining step.
Create the geometrical feature for a Back-boring operation.
See Manually Creating Machining Steps.

Machining Step Countersink
Inserts a new Countersink machining step.
Create the geometrical feature for a Counter Sinking operation.
See Manually Creating Machining Steps.

Machining Step Chamfered Hole
Inserts a new Chamfered Hole machining step.
Create the geometrical feature for a Chamfering operation.
See Manually Creating Machining Steps.

Machining Step 2 Sides Chamfered Hole
Inserts a new 2 Sides Chamfered Hole machining step.
Create the geometrical feature for a Chamfering 2 Sides operation.
See Manually Creating Machining Steps.

Machining Step Slab
Inserts a new Slab machining step.
Create the geometrical feature for a Facing operation.
See Manually Creating Machining Steps.

Machining Step Generic
Inserts a new Generic machining step for modeling a material removal operation, in a manufacturing planning context.
Create the geometrical feature for a Generic Milling operation. The volume of removed material is an input of this machining s.
See Manually Creating Machining Steps.

Flyout for Formulas and Checks

Machining Step Formula Editor
Defines formulas on machining steps.
Define a manufacturing template, then define formulas between the machining step parameters and design feature parameters. These formulas are solved when the template is applied on the geometry.
See Defining Formula on Machining Steps.

Machining Step Check Editor
Defines checks on machining steps.
Define a manufacturing template, then define checks on machining step parameters. These checks are fired when the template is applied on the geometry.
See Defining Checks on Machining Steps.