General Concepts
This gives a general overview of the human location command.
A Human Location is a geometric shape. This helps to define the final location to reach in various activities. The human location defines with respect to a resource or product.
Modes of interaction:
- Action / Object: Select human location command, then a product or resource.
- Object / Action: Select a resource or product, then the human location command.
To visualize and edit the human location, you can either:
- Double-click, or select the edit command in the context menu directly on the Human Location node. A 2D representation displays in the work area.
- Click Human Location. All the human locations appear in the context. Select a human location for editing. If selecting a product or resource, a new human location creates and this associates with the selected object.
Using human locations here are some specifics:
- The dialog box opens with a default name and radius of 175 mm (diameter of 350 mm roughly corresponds to the bounding box diameter of an average manikin.)
- It is initially places at the location of the mouse click, then snaps to the selected geometry.
- It displays itself as a disc with the center corresponding to the specified Robot's position.
- The node gets created under the specified product/resource.
Selecting Delete, deletes the human location.