Creating a Part Sequencing

You can create a Part Sequencing to manage the instructions required to transfer the part from one position to next one, or from one spindle to another one during the machining.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: You need to:
  • Assign a Mill-Turn machine
  • Create all the Part Sequencing activities in the same Manufacturing Program
  • Set the initial condition for the simulation in a dedicated Part Sequencing activity at the beginning of the Manufacturing Program (example, visibility status of each set-up assembly, attach/detach status of each Setup assembly)
  • Run a synchronization to make sure that no other activity occurs during the Part Sequencing one.
Note: In the current version of the simulation, all the components of the stock are considered as a rigid body and follow the same motion (stock sawing is not simulated).

Assign a Mill-Turn Machine and Create the Setups

You need to assign a mill-turn machine and to create setups in the Part Operation.

  1. Assign and edit a mill-turn machine as explained in Creating a Generic Machine and Managing Its Parameters.
    1. For the Main Spindle, specify the following parameters:
      • Name: Main Spindle.1
      • Number: 1
      • Part Axis System: Select Use reference machining axis system and select the Default reference machining axis for Part C
      • Spindle axis: Z
      • Radial axis: X
      • Max spindle speed: 6000turn_mn
    2. For the Counter Spindle:
      • Name: Counter Spindle.1
      • Number: 2
      • Part Axis System: Clear Local definition and select Machine Axis of Counter Spindle.1
      • Spindle axis: Z
      • Radial axis: X
      • Max spindle speed: 6000turn_mn
    3. For the Upper Turret:
      • Name: Upper Turret.1
      • Number: 1
      • Type: Rotary Turret
      • Turning Tool Axis System: Machine Axis of Upper Turret.1
      • Axial axis: Z
      • Radial axis: X
      • Tool Change Point: not editable
    4. For the Lower Turret:
      • Name: Lower Turret.1
      • Number: 2
      • Type: Rotary Turret
      • Turning Tool Axis System: Machine Axis of Lower Turret.1
      • Axial axis: Z
      • Radial axis: X
      • Tool Change Point: not editable
  2. Define and order the setups in the Part Operation as explained in Creating a Part Operation.
    For example:

    In a scenario where the stock is first machined on the main spindle (Setup.1), split into 2 at an intermediate position (Setup.2) and then further machined on the counter spindle (Setup.3), the mounting of the setups should be as follows:

    1- Setup.1: The part is mounted on the main spindle and is in activated state.

    2- Setup.2: The part is mounted on the main spindle and is in deactivated state.

    3- Setup.3: The part is mounted on the counter spindle and is in deactivated state.

    The stock is first machined at SetUp.1 position after which the counter spindle grabs the stock and moves it to Setup.2 position where the stock is split into two. The counter spindle returns to its home position (Setup.3) along with the split stock for further machining.

    During material removal simulation, the actual number of stocks involved in the scenario is decided by the number of mounted setups that are in activated state. For example in the above scenario Setup.1 should be mounted and in activated state. Setup.2 and Setup.3 may be mounted (to enable defining of machining operations at these setup locations, but it should be in deactivated state.

  3. Mount the setups on the machine as explained in Importing Machines and Tool Assemblies.
    Tip: Use the Attach/Detach check box to quickly create the initial position (Attach means visible, Detach means invisible).

Create the Initial Condition

You can now set the initial condition for the simulation example, visibility status of each set-up assembly, attach or detach status of each Setup assembly. You must specify it in a dedicated Part Sequencing activity at the beginning of the Manufacturing Program.

  1. Click Part Sequencing and the Manufacturing Program.
    The Part Sequencing dialog box is displayed.
    • Position: Lists the available positions, example, setups.
    • Spindle: Displays the name of the spindle associated to the selected position.
    • Several actions are available:
      • Editor: Starts the editor of the selected element.
      • Delete: Deletes the selected elements.
      • Move Up, Move Down: Move the selected element.
      • Motion: Creates a Motion action.
      • Attachment: Creates an Attach action.
      • Visibility: Creates a Visibility action.
      • Dwell: Creates a Dwell action.
      • PP Word Syntax: See Inserting Post-Processor Instructions for more information.
  2. Change the name to Initial Condition.
  3. Still in the Actions tab, create attachment actions fo the three setups.
    • Click Attachment .
    • In the dialog box that appears, under Product Position select Setup.1 and Attach. Under Device, select Main Spindle.1. Click OK to validate.
    The attachment actions are added to the Actions list in the dialog box.
  4. Click OK.
    A Part Sequencing activity named Initial Condition is added to the selected Manufacturing Program.
  5. Create the required machining operations at Setup.1

Create the Motion of the Counter Spindle to Grab the Part

You can create a Part Sequencing activity to define the motion of the Counter Spindle.1 to Setup.1, then to Setup.2 with the part attached.

  1. Click Part Sequencing and Initial Condition from Programming.
    The Part Sequencing dialog box is displayed.
  2. Change the name to PS Move to Pos2.
  3. Select Setup.2 from the Position list.
  4. Define the motion of Counter Spindle.1 from its home position to Setup.1 to grab the part and go to Setup.2:
    1. Click Motion .
      A Motion definition dialog box is displayed.
      • Axis Control: Lets you select the axis along which the motion is created. Once the axis is selected, you can:
        • Use the slider to define the length of the motion. The motion is visualized in the work area as you drag the pointer.
        • Click Begin and select a point or a plane in the work area to define the start reference of the axis. The button is updated with the name of your selection.
        • Click End and select a point or a plane in the work area to define the end reference of the axis. The button is updated with the name of your selection.
      • The three counters let you define an offset, the length of the motion (also updated as you drag the pointer) and the feedrate of the motion.
      • Steps: Lets you define the values of the steps used in Axis Control.
      • Home: Lets you select a home position from the list.
    2. Change the name to MV1.
    3. Under Device list, select Counter Spindle.1.
    4. Under Axis Control, select the check box of Axis Z. Use the slider to move the Counter Spindle.1 up to the Setup.1. TIP: As you drag the slider, the motion is visible in the work area.
    5. Click OK to validate and revert to the PS Move to Pose 2 dialog box.
    The Counter Spindle.1 is ready to grab (attach) the part that is still in Setup.1.
  5. Define that attachment:
    1. Click Attachment .
      An attachment definition dialog box is displayed.
    2. Change the name to Attach.
    3. Under Product Position select the Setup.1 and Attach. Under Device, select Counter Spindle.1. Click OK to validate.
    The Counter Spindle.1 is now ready to move to Setup.2 with the part.
  6. Click Motion to define this motion as explained above.
    The PS Move to Pose 2 is updated accordingly.
  7. Click OK.
    A Part Sequencing activity is named PS Move to Pose 2 is added to the selected Manufacturing Program.
  8. Create the machining operations required at Setup.2 to cut off the part.

Send the Counter Spindle to its Home Position

You can create a Part Sequencing activity to define the motion of the Counter Spindle.1 back to its home position.

  1. Click Part Sequencing and PS Move to Pose 2 from Programming.
    The Part Sequencing dialog box is displayed.
  2. Change the name to Go Back Home Position.
  3. Select Setup.3 from the Position list.
  4. Define the motion of Counter Spindle.1 to its home position:
    1. Click Motion .
      A Motion definition dialog box is displayed.
    2. Under Device list, select Counter Spindle.1.
    3. Under Home Postion, select Counter Spindle Home from the list.
    4. Click OK to validate and revert to Go Back Home Position dialog box.
  5. Click OK.
    A Part Sequencing activity named Go Back Home Position is added to the selected Manufacturing Program
  6. Create the machining operations required at Setup.3.