Authoring Section

The Authoring section provides commands for creating objects, creating links, and assigning products.

This page discusses:

Create Manufacturing Assembly
See Flyout for Creating Manufactured Items.

Create Manufacturing Assembly and Scope Link
See Flyout for Creating Manufacturing Assembly and Scope Link.

Replace by Latest Revision
See Flyout for Replacing Manufactured Items.

Assign Product to Manufacturing Assembly
See Flyout for Assigning Products.

Create Scope Link
See Flyout for Creating Scope Links.
Create Instance
Creates or moves instance interactively.
Select two objects and click Create Instance to create an instance link between the objects.

This command allows you to select several items at a time.


Adds an instance to a manufactured item or select a manufactured item from IP Classify and Reuse app

In the search bar, enter the name of your instance. Select the instance from the database and click Search or select a manufactured item from IP Classify and Reuse app and click Insert.

Detach Instance
Deletes an instance from the current manufacturing structure.
Select an object and click OK to confirm the deletion.
Create Link
Creates a link between a manufactured item and a product or a part.
This command allows you to create links between several items.

Create Mfg Items Structure

Creates an MBOM structure from an EBOM structure with a scope link to a product or a part.

This command always create new structure. Consider using Update Mfg Items Structure command if structure is partially consumed.

Select a root Manufacturing Assembly and click Create Mfg Items Structure.
See Creating an MBOM from an Existing EBOM.

Update Mfg Items Structure
Updates a manufacturing item that has a scope link to a product or a part with another revision.
In the dialog box, select a revision, and click OK.
Change Impact Management
Manages incomplete or inconsistent implement links between manufactured items and products.
The Change Impact Management panel lists inconsistent implement links between products and manufactured items.

Click Reroute, Delete, or Ignore in the panel to correct the links.

See Managing Inconsistent Links Between Products and Manufactured Items.

Relations Panel
Displays the identifier of the object linked to a manufactured item.

Edit properties
Displays the properties of an object.
Select an object and click Properties to view its properties.

Characteristics Management
See Flyout for Characteristics Management.

Flyout for Creating Manufactured Items

Create Manufacturing Assembly
Creates a Manufacturing Assembly.
Click Create Manufacturing Assembly, enter a name, and click OK.

Create Provided Part
Creates a Provided Part.
Click Create Provided Part, enter a name, and click OK.

Create Manufactured Material
Creates a Manufactured Material.
Click Create Manufactured Material, enter a name, and click OK.

Create Manufacturing Kit
Creates a Manufacturing Kit.
Click Create Manufacturing Kit, enter a name, and click OK.

Flyout for Replacing Manufactured Items

Replace By Latest Revision
Replaces a child manufactured item with its latest revision, updates scope and implement links.
Select a child manufactured item and click Replace by Latest Revision.
See Replace an Object with Its Latest Revision.

Replace By Existing
Replaces a child manufactured item with an existing manufactured item, updates scope and implement links.
Select a child manufactured item and click Replace by Existing. In the search bar, enter the criteria for an existing manufactured item in the database. Select the manufactured item and click OK.
See Replace an Object with an Existing Object.
Replace By New Revision
Creates a new revision of a child manufactured item, replaces the manufactured item with the new revision, updates scope and implement links.
Select a child manufactured item and click Replace by New Revision.
See Replace an Object with a New Revision.

Flyout for Assigning Products

Assign Product to Manufacturing Assembly
Assigns a product or a part to a Manufacturing Assembly.
Select a product or a part and a Manufacturing Assembly and click OK.
Assign Product to Provided Part
Assigns a product or a part to a Provided Part.
Select a product or a part and a Provided Part and click OK.

Assign Product to Manufactured Material
Assigns a product or a part to a Manufactured Material.
Select a product or a part and a Manufactured Material and click OK.

Assign Product to Manufacturing Kit
Assigns a product or a part to a Manufacturing Kit.
Select a product or a part and a Manufacturing Kit and click OK.

Unassign Product
Unassigns a product or a part from a manufactured item.
Select a product or a part, and click Unassign Product to remove it from the manufactured item.

Flyout for Characteristics Management

Characteristics Management
Manages characteristics assigned to an object during its lifecycle and ensures that the characteristics are defined accurately.
Select one or more objects, then click Characteristics Management to open the panel.
To create a characteristic, click Create Characteristics . In the Create Characteristics panel, enter a title, define the properties of your characteristic, and click Done.

Characteristics Management: Consolidated View
Gives a consolidated view of the characteristics of an object.