Define the Criteria
In the Filter specification, click
From the Model list, select the model for which you
want to apply the configuration filter.
To select model versions to add to the criteria, do the following.
Select the Model Version check box.
In the search box, click
Select the model versions.
Click Ok to validate.
To select units to add to the criteria, do the following.
Select the Unit check box.
Type a unit number assigned to the selected model or click
Select the required units and click Ok.
To select dates to add to the criteria, do the following.
Select the Date check box.
To select a single date, type the date, or click
and select a date.
To select a date range, click Range
displayed next to the date box, select start and end dates.
To add another date criteria, click Add
Date, and select the dates.
To select variants and options to add to the criteria, do one of the
- To select variants and options from a product configuration, click
Edit Variants and Options from Product
Configuration and follow the instructions in the dialog
- To select variants and options from the configurator, click
Edit Variants and Options from Configurator and
follow the instructions in the dialog box.
To select variants and options in the Edit Variants and
Options dialog box, do the following.
Click a variant or option group box and select a variant value or
option from the list.
In the Edit Variants and Options dialog box,
click Ok.
Click Validate
The criterion is created, and a summery of it appears in the current
Filter specification.
Define the Filter Specifications
Define the Filter
To rename the filter, click the filter name and enter a new name.
To manage the display of child objects, toggle between Show
children of attribute criteria results
and Hide children of attribute
criteria results
in the Filter context menu .
To define filter specifications, repeat the steps in Define the Filter Specifications above for as many specifications as you
- Optional:
To save the filter, click Save.
The filter is saved in the database and can be retrieved later.
To apply the filter, click Apply.
The structure is filtered according to the defined criteria.
- The filter appears in the Selected Filters.
- In the tree, a filter icon appears on the filtered root object.
- When you filter objects in the Manufactured Items
view, the 3D Viewer is not updated, since the
content of the EBOM remains the same.
- When you filter objects in the Products and Parts
view, the 3D Viewer is updated accordingly, since
the content of EBOM is modified.