Joint Parameters Section (Posture Analysis)

The Joint Parameters section provides commands for controlling manikin movements. This section is only available when you have entered the dedicated Posture Analysis work area. The dedicated Posture Analysis work area is available if you have the appropriate license.

Returns to the previous app.

Angular Limitations
Creates or alters the Angular Limitations and Preferred Angles of a manikin.
See Using Angular Limitation Functionality.

Angular Limitations with Percentage
Sets the angular limitations of one or many Degrees of Freedom (DOF) according to a chosen percentage between 0 and 100. This percentage value represents the desired portion of population that must be able to reach the limit.
See Setting or Resetting Angular Limitations with Percentage.

Lock DOF
Locking a degree of freedom means that the corresponding segment does not move by this DOF, either in forward kinematics or in inverse kinematics. It is possible to lock/unlock the entire manikin for one particular degree of freedom if the Body node is selected in the tree when activating lock.
  • Click Lock DOF and select the segment(s) on the manikin to be locked. Click OK.
  • To reset the modification right-click on the Body node and select Properties.
  • Select Angular limitations tab then select DOF(s) to unlock.
  • Clicking Reset, the selected DOFs are removed from the list.
  • Click Apply, and OK.

    Note: The Apply button must be clicked to reset the selected DOFs. Failure to do so causes the operation to remain incomplete.

See Joint Parameters Section (Posture Analysis).

Remove Angular Limitations
Removes all limitations on a segment which allows you to move a segment in any degree, and is able to do a complete circle of 360 degrees.

  • Click Remove Angular Limitations and selecting the segment(s) their name appears in the dialog box.
  • Select the required Degrees of Freedom (DOF) in the dialog box then click OK. The Angular Limitations is removed.
  • To reset the modification right-click on the Body node and select Properties, and tab Angular Limitations, Reset.

Optimize Limitations
Set the angular limitations of the selected segments so that these limitations correspond to the best range of motion, that is, the range of motion where the postural score is the highest.
See Optimizing or Resetting Angular Limitations.

Reset Angular Limitations
This resets the angular limitations, to the values before being locked or removed.
  • Click Reset Angular Limitations.
  • Select the segment(s) to reset in the dialog box.
  • Click Reset, OK.
See Optimizing or Resetting Angular Limitations.

Customized Joint
This groups segments on the upper body (including the spine and the head) and creates a new segment for the Postural Score analysis. This gives more flexibility for analyzing the posture of the trunk and editing the preferred angles with a score.
See Creating a Customized Joint.