Context Toolbars

Context toolbars are smart toolbars that contain only those commands that can be applied to the current selection.

This page discusses:

Commands Accessible from Mount and Import Resources

Depending on the type of machine in session, the following commands are available when selecting Mount and Import Resources from the Setup section of the action bar:

Replace Machine or Configured Machining Cell
Replaces a current machine or machining cell with another one.
See Replace a Machine.

Add New Machine or Configured Machining Cell
Adds a machine or machining cell in a multi-machine context.
See Add a Machine.

Assign a New Machine from a Catalog Browser
Assigns a machine or machining cell from a Catalog Browser.
See Assigning an NC Machine from a Library Browser.

Import Accessory
Inserts existing accessories in the NC machine.
See Import and Mount Accessories and Adaptors in One Shot.

Import Tool Assembly
Inserts existing tool assemblies.
See Import and Mount a Tool Assembly.

Import Manufacturing Product
Inserts an existing manufacturing product.
See Mounting a Workpiece on a Machine.

Show/Hide Display of Linear Travel Limits Box
Shows or hides the display of the bounding box of the linear degrees of freedom for the tool mount point.

Reachability Test
Checks that a milling machine can reach the workpiece at the current tool position.
See Checking the Reachability of a Milling Machine.

Mount Accessories

Unmount Resource
Removes an accessory from the machine.
See Unmount an Accessory Within a Program.

Deactivate Accessory Configuration
Disables and hides an accessory on the machine.
See Mount an Accessory Within a Program.

Robot Controller

Import Resources
Inserts several resources.
Import Manufacturing Product
Inserts a manufacturing product and mounts it on the device.
Display Workspace Envelope
Shows the robot envelope.
Jogs the robot and its auxiliary devices.

Machine Mount Points

Depending on whether or not a machine is mounted, the following parameters are shown or hidden:

Displays the Robot to easily move the resource.
Creates an attachment between the selected resource and another one.
Unmounts or detaches the resource.
Edit Offset Attachment
Defines an offset on the attachment.