R2022x FD01 (FP.2205)
User-Defined Commands on Cloud EnvironmentBenefits: It makes the User-Defined Open, User-Defined Explore, and User-Defined
Procedures Administration capabilities available to the Cloud environment. That is,
supporting all existing default procedures and allowing you to review them and develop
customed procedures interactively.
Action Bar: Lifecycle Section AddedBenefits: The addition of the Lifecycle section gives you easier
access to the commands when working in Manufacturing Context Builder.
For more information, see Social and Collaborative: Product Development - Model Based: Collaborative Lifecycle: Collaborative Lifecycle Basics: User Interface: Action Bar: Lifecycle Section. Configuring Filters Criteria at the Time of ExploreBenefits: It extends the capability of quick filter functionality.
For more information, see
Configuring Filters on Multiple Roots
R2022x GA
Opening UDO procedures in the defined appBenefits: By specifying the authoring app in the UDO procedures, you save time at
opening by avoiding the transition between apps.
For more information, see
Managing and Deploying User-Defined Open and Explore Procedures
Executing a User-Defined Open